2021-12-22 16:19:27glennmyp2

仿效蕾神!賈永婕怒控遭老公霸凌 「不是房子可以解決的事」

The horn antenna is a broadband passive device, shaped like a pyramid horn, referred to as a TEM antenna, which guides the beam of radio waves at a precise frequency. FT-RF Double Ridged Horn antennas have frequency capabilities ranging from 400MHz to 40GHz depending on type and style.

The antenna main body with the bracket using CNC precision manufacturing, and adopt a more weather resistant material aluminum material and the surface through the 6061 and 7071 Aluminum special handling to prevent oxidation.

The advantages of Horn antenna:
- Wide bandwidth: Because the horn antenna has no resonant parts, it can function over a wide range of frequencies.
- Easy waveguide interface: These antennas are very easy to interface to waveguide due to their shape, but they can also be designed with a transition so that a regular coaxial feeder can be used.
- Easy to make, simple design.
The application of horn antenna
- Antenna feeds for parabolic reflectors
- Radar systems with a short-range
- Obtain standards that are suited for EMC testing and other applications.

With more than 30 years of experience in researching, developing, and manufacturing this line product. FT-RF's Horn Antennas have high power, low F/B, durability, and also get three-year warranty.

We also offer custom-designed antennas, please click <https://horn.ft-rf.com.tw/ and fill in our form, OR contact us: info-tw@ft168.com.tw


賈永婕在臉書發文透露參加台北馬拉松,卻直呼「我老公長期用速度霸凌我」,因為老公自豪表示比去年快3分鐘,但卻嫌她慢,「你怎麼這麼慢?不應該啊?你退步了?為什麼會退步呢?」,賈永婕忍不住反駁「不是我慢,是我不快!」、「沒練是要怎麼快!」,她去查了成績去年是2小時9分鐘,今年則是2小時10分鐘,於是大呼「 一分鐘有必要那麼計較嗎?夫妻這麼多年,我幫你生了三個小孩!你跟我計較這一分鐘幹嘛」、「我現在是女神,已經不是當年那個可以隨意被你操控速度的無知太太,請尊重!」。


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本文出自: https://stars.udn.com/star/story/10089/5979421