2005-12-24 15:38:32K蟲

The same day last year

I know today is 12/24,christmas eve...although
it’s 12/23 11:25pm in America....

Last year~
Today is the day for celebrating the dentistry presentation.That’s
why I can not have a big christmas dinner with my friends at TGI
fridays....pity.....but it’s ok,cause I will go to see your show
in this celebration.I still remembered that you had reserved the
seats for me and gave me a present which was a sweater knit by
yourself.It’s so touching to receive the gift that almost make
me cry...The sweater is too big to wear unless you assumed that
I was heavy.....
That was our first christmas,and..it had gone,and never came back..

This year~
Tomorrow is christmas eve!!!This is my first time to celebrate the
christmas in America!!Everything is so exciting to me to experience.
I have no worry about someone I have to care.I believe that will be
a impressive memory of my life.
Actually,just feel a little strange but I don’t know why...The christmas
should be a perfect holiday in my mind and make me happy.It should be..
should it be????

I just feel sleepy...cause I got up at 6am this morning...
I can see my dear daddy&mommy tomorrow!!!
OK,forget you,forget everything we had got together....
Don’t write me back...you are so cruel...