2005-07-02 21:51:39燕月鶯


What afflictions are people most likely to die of in Taiwan? According to statistics for 2004 released by the Department of Health Tuesday, cancer still tops the list, followed by heart disease, strokes, diabetes and accidents. The remainder of the top ten is made up by pneumonia, liver disease, kidney disease, suicide and high blood pressure.

DOH Statistics Department Huang Syu-ming: The top 10 causes of death are exactly the same as last year, said Huang Syu-ming, head of the Department of Health's Statistics Department. Cancer is still number one.

While the order of the nation's biggest killers remains unchanged, deaths from heart disease, accidents, pneumonia, kidney disease and suicide rose during 2004. Depression sufferers made up the vast majority of those who took their own lives.

Bureau of Health Promotion Jhao Kun-yu: Deputy director-general of the Bureau of Health Promotion, Jhao Kun-yu, said most suicides were related to depression and while those with the disease don't necessarily think about taking their own lives, one in ten depression sufferers contemplates suicide.

Cancer has topped the list for several years. Taiwan's male population is most likely to die from liver cancer followed by oral and lung cancer. Women on the other hand are most likely to succumb to breast, lung and colonic cancer. The differences between the genders appears to stem from differing lifestyles.

Bureau of Health Promotion Jhao Kun-yu: Quite a few kinds of cancer are related to people being overweight, Jhao said, colonic and breast cancer for example. Chewing betel nut and smoking are the most common causes of oral cancer.

Doctors recommend a healthy diet and exercise as well as avoiding cigarettes and alcohol as the best way of steering clear of cancer.






