2007-09-12 11:32:21gillianchang
Bad news never comes along...my laptop was stolen this morning after the house was broken into. The druken thief quitely removed the window and walked into the house without the dog barking, poor dog Max was sick whole day. Then he stole my laptop on the liviing room table, Mark’s model helicopter and a few fireworks. God know my laptop is 4 years old granny, with no battery in it and the thief just unplug the power line then grabbed n ran. No battery and no power line, my laptop is just a rubbish to anyone but me, and it’s Traditional Chinese inferface, who’s going to buy that? The helicopter he stole doesn’t even work. After all these got stolen, the only thing that worth something for him is the 2 fireworks worth 20 bucks. As a freelance translator, my career is definitely ruined. Cant work anymore, lost all the photos we too for the past year and all my assignment from the past 2 years. This sucks, and sucks big balls. Never knew this could happen to me and never knew how important my laptop is to me till now. Like Patrick said, possession will only bring heartbreak.
James Ling
2007-09-26 12:37:08
那偷兒也真是白痴, 偷電腦不拿電源的絕對是外行人, 也許是你的電腦太老了, 真該淘汰了吧, 舊的不去新的不來, 想開一點就好;
還有就是資料的存放, 現在許多網站都有免費的空間, 要多加利用, 塞翁失馬, 焉知非福, 也正好趁這次教訓, 養成多做備份的習慣.
因為中秋節假期的時候 我家也遭小偷~~~