2004-10-02 16:01:07gillianchang


高爾威年度盛事之一─賽馬。每年夏天,愛爾蘭各城鎮都會輪流舉辦大型賽馬,高爾威這一場是僅次於都柏林第二大的,吸引許多"上流社會"的紳士淑女參加。我們決定在馬克生日那天去看賽馬,也是我這輩子第一次參加這種高級賽事,光門票就要一千塊台幣了。這一天剛好是最佳帽子選拔日(Best Hat Day),主辦單位會挑出當天戴最好看帽子的淑女,致贈大筆賭金,所以所有雌性動物從幾個禮拜錢就開始訂製最眩的帽子,好在當天"一馬當先" 得到青睞。

Galway race. Each big town get to host the race by turns during summer. This day happened to be the "Best hat day" when you can see all the ladies are wearing their best looking hats (some are not even close to the form of hats). We won the imaginary bets, got totally drunk and enjoyed the lively atmosphere of race. I'm still the only Asian in the court.