2004-10-02 15:20:20gillianchang
音樂新清流─West Ocean String Quartet

這就是我與馬克結緣的大功臣─West Ocean String Quartet。是高爾威藝術節受邀演奏的音樂家之一。最左邊那位氣質伯伯叫做Seamus Mcguire,是當天演出音樂的作曲家,是愛爾蘭目前首先把古典音樂跟居爾特民俗樂結合成新流派的前衛作曲家。愛爾蘭國家交響樂團還邀請他為千禧年專輯作曲,以各地古蹟為靈感,編織出有本土而創新的曲風。這趟去愛爾蘭最大的音樂收穫就是認識這個樂團,買了一堆他的CD。第一次跟馬克聊天時,就是因為他提到這個樂團,判斷他應該還算是有藝術修養的人,結果是正確的。好想當他們在台灣的經紀人啊!如果恩雅可以紅,West Ocean 絕對是下一個...
Favorite concert among others hosted by Galway art festival. The 1st chair, voilinist and composer, Mr. Seamus Mcguire, is such a music master, combining classical and folk style, creating a new clean stream for the ears of people. Strongly recommend. I believe there must be lot more musicians spreading whole Ireland. You may only get to know one or two by luck.
Favorite concert among others hosted by Galway art festival. The 1st chair, voilinist and composer, Mr. Seamus Mcguire, is such a music master, combining classical and folk style, creating a new clean stream for the ears of people. Strongly recommend. I believe there must be lot more musicians spreading whole Ireland. You may only get to know one or two by luck.