2004-10-01 19:51:45gillianchang
高爾威一年一度最受歡迎的藝術節(Galway Art Festival),被我趕上了!已經連辦了二十幾年的藝術節,每年都有許多國家跟各種類型的表演在這個小城鎮舉行。這是飄浮娃娃夜間秀之後的人潮。藝術節每年都為高爾威帶來大量人潮,已經在歐洲建立起一定的聲譽。
After the night show of modern performance (Ausi-art). This place's called "fish market", yet there's no any market or selling behaviors are witnessed. The most beloved place for young people to hang out outdoor.
After the night show of modern performance (Ausi-art). This place's called "fish market", yet there's no any market or selling behaviors are witnessed. The most beloved place for young people to hang out outdoor.