2004-10-01 19:11:13gillianchang
本來在逛街的我,也湊熱鬧般的加入了遊行。旁邊的伯伯看不過去,遞給我一張傳單,要我好好研讀,呵呵...(好啦,我就是只會美國腔的英文,怎樣咩!?)市長跟市議員還有一堆音樂家輪流上陣,踏上肥皂箱,有的演講,有的讀詩,有的唱創作曲,大家有志一同:Bush, go back, we don't welcome you!!!表達言論的自由果然是發揮到最極致。
6/25 Anti-bush parade.
For Mr. Bush arrive Shannon airport near Galway just then for a national meeting with Ireland gov., people finally got chance to express their anger in such event. I had no intention to join but walk with crowds, got a fyler from a keen attendant who can't stand my ignorance.
6/25 Anti-bush parade.
For Mr. Bush arrive Shannon airport near Galway just then for a national meeting with Ireland gov., people finally got chance to express their anger in such event. I had no intention to join but walk with crowds, got a fyler from a keen attendant who can't stand my ignorance.