2005-03-13 10:41:59Bionic Cat

Taipei Time專訪Elijah Wood:粉絲請注意 (節錄)


FW: Do people react different now when they see you in the street?

EW: People are driving by in their cars and rolling their windows down and yelling out "Congratulations." It happens a lot. It's hilarious.

FW: And women, how do they react?

EW: I don't think there is much difference in that sense. Probably more girls have come up to me than in the past but because they are fans or from having seen me in some movie
It isn't all that interesting.

FW: But is it easy to get girls being a movie star?

EW: Sure, if I want that kind of girl (He laughs).

FW: But don't they interest you?

EW: No (He laughs even harder). I always find that kind of funny when people think, "It would be so much easier to get girls when I am famous." I say, "Well, yes, but they are going to be with you because you are famous. So what's the point?" It's the same as if you weren't famous at all, but now you've just got girls who just want to sleep with you because you are famous. It can be fun, granted. But in terms of any kind of profound addition to your life ... You certainly aren't going to find it with fame.

FW: So if a woman wants to seduce you, she has to ignore your career?

EW: Probably, yes. She doesn't have to ignore my career but people reveal themselves very quickly. And those that are interested because of the fact that I am an actor, it is very obvious right away. And those who know it, talk about it but don't really care, then there is something behind that.

FW: Is that the reason why famous actors end up going out with other famous actors?

EW: Because they understand. There is a complete logic to that. I would date an actress because first she understands the fact that I have to travel so much and that my life is consumed by this job because her life is the same. And also there's no interest in me because I am famous; she might probably experience the same thing. There's something of a mutual interest there. But that has its own complications, as well.
順帶一提,小伊的夢中情人必須是黑髮、成熟、講英文有外國腔調,但是這不代表各位姊妹都有機會...因為我們一下就會被看出是粉絲啦!呵 :)