2004-04-07 08:03:35Bionic Cat


Orlando Bloom

During the filming for Lord of the Rings, Orlando fell off his horse and broke one of his ribs.拍攝魔戒時,Orli曾經落馬,並斷了一根肋骨。
Father, Harry Bloom, died when he was just four.父親於他四歲時去世
Originally auditioned to play the role of "Faramir" in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but lost out on that role and was instead asked to play the role of Legolas.在魔戒中原本試演的角色是Faramir,但未得到該角色,卻被導演要求演出Legolas。
Became so skilled with the bow in his training for The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, that in the end his coach would throw plates in the air and he would hit them with one shot.隨著魔戒拍攝,他的弓箭技術越來越好,到最後,他的教練甚至可以將盤子丟到空中,他一箭就能射下來。
"Elf Envy...they all had it."「對精靈的忌妒…他們每個人都有。」
Aged nine, I had this girlfriend, and we used to have running races in the park to see who would be her boyfriend for the day. I wanted to be like Superman and fly in and rescue her. Once I realised Superman was an actor, I thought, "That's for me." I got into acting for the women.9歲時,我有個女性朋友,我們常常在公園裡賽跑,跑贏的人就能當她那天的男朋友。我當時想變成超人去拯救她。當我知道超人是個演員後,我就想:「這就是我要的。」我為了那女孩進入演藝界。
"I'm in love with love. It's heavenly when you're falling for someone and you can't stop thinking about her." [about girlfriend Kate Bosworth, February 1, 2004]「我正在跟愛情談戀愛,當你談戀愛時,彷彿置身天堂一般,你無時無刻都在想著她。」{說到女友凱特鮑斯沃}

Billy Boyd

Likes porridge for breakfast.早餐最愛吃麥片粥
He's a talented singer; a strong tenor / light baritone voice, F# to A above middle C over 2 octaves. He also plays the guitar, and the bass.是個很有才華的歌手,能唱男高音與男中音,音域約在中央C往上兩個8度。他也會彈吉他跟大提琴。
[teasing a journalist who asked about the hobbits' popularity in the gay community:] "We had to learn how to canoe. I don't know why, because we don't do it in the movie, but it was part of our training. And there was a group shower. All the Americans, though, they were quite scared. Elijah and Sean just, like, didn't have a shower and left, but me, Orlando and Dominic, in our British way, all got involved in showers. But it was just a shower." [December 18, 2003]{對一個記者問到哈比人在同志圈中受歡迎原因的妙答}「我們要學怎麼划獨木舟,我也不知道為什麼,因為電影中並沒有出現,不過這也是訓練的一部分。訓練完大家都會去大眾淋浴間洗澡。不過所有的美國人似乎顯得很害怕。Elijah跟Sean從來沒跟我們洗過澡就走了。但是我、Orlando(果然是榮譽哈比人…)跟Dominic全都像英國佬一樣一起洗澡。不過是洗個澡罷了。」(譯註:站長我見識過歐洲人對裸體的開放,真的很開放!)
[on cast camraderie during shooting "The Lord of the Rings":] "There was a lot of pranking, but that was more Dom (Dominic Monaghan) and Viggo (Viggo Mortensen). With Viggo, they were normally quite violent, aggressive ones. You would see Sean Bean walking across to his caravan, and then see this figure of Viggo running across the plains and rugby tackling him. Dom and Viggo were attacking each other's trailers for quite a while, redecorating inside and out with whatever they got their hands on. It was a very happy set, a very constructive set." [December 14, 2003]{談到魔戒演員間的友情}「我們常常彼此惡作劇,但大部分是Dom跟Viggo。如果事情扯到Viggo,通常就比較暴力。你會看到Sean Bean(Boromir)正要走到他的拖車,Viggo卻從遠方跑過來給他來頓拳打腳踢。Dom跟Viggo攻擊彼此的拖車有一段時間了,也花了很多心力裡裡外外把拖車翻修了不少。我們在片場都處的很好,大家都互相幫助。」

Viggo Mortensen

Got so into his character of Aragorn that 'The Lord Of The Rings' director Peter Jackson once addressed him as Aragorn for over half an hour, and Viggo didn't even realise it.超級融入自己在魔戒中的角色Aragorn,連有一次導演PJ一直把他的名字說成Aragorn長達半個小時,他都沒發現。
As Viggo lived in Argentina as a child, he is a fan of Argentine soccer team San Lorenzo.當Viggo小時後住在阿根廷時,他是阿根廷足球隊聖羅倫佐的球迷。
Broke two toes during the filming of The Two Towers, in the scene where he kicks an orc helmet.拍二部曲,踢獸人頭盔那一幕時,踢斷了兩根腳趾頭(譯註:Elijah一定在想,還好不是我,不然就只剩8根指頭可咬了…)。
He is a New York Mets fan.他是紐約大都會隊(職棒)球迷
He's a Danish citizen.仍是丹麥公民
Purchased the horses he rode in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy and "Hildago" after the films were completed.一拍完片就買下自己在「魔戒」跟「沙漠奇兵」片中所騎的馬。
It is well-known that his father is Danish and his mother American, but also his grandmother was from Trondheim, Norway.大家都知道他父親是丹麥人,母親是美國人,但他的祖母也是歐洲的挪威人。
Worked as a translator for the Swedish hockey team during the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid and was at the 'miracle' game between the Soviet Union and United States.曾是1980年Lake Placid冬季奧運會瑞典曲棍球隊的翻譯員,並目睹蘇聯與美國的「奇蹟之戰」。

Liv Tyler

Is dyslexic.有閱讀困難症
Is a vegetarian.素食主義者
During filming for 'Lord of the Rings', Liv left her pair of prosthetic ears on the dashboard of her car. When she returned, they had melted.拍魔戒時,麗芙不小心把道具爾忘在車上的儀表版上,當她回來時,道具耳已經融化了。
Wears a size 10 shoe.穿10號鞋
Hates piercings and tattoos.痛恨刺青與穿洞
Quit smoking after starting at age 14 [2002]14歲起已經戒菸
Her name Liv means 'life' in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish.她的名字Liv代表挪威文、瑞典文與丹麥文的「生命」
Learned swordfighting for her role as Arwen in the Lord of the Rings. But the script was changed and she never got to use her skills.為了拍魔戒接受武打訓練,但因為劇本變更,故她沒機會展現武打技巧。
{About her favorite smell} "Those smells that remind me of home. I can smell my dad [Steven Tyler] from a mile away. I can smell it whenever he's worn my clothes. He has this ambery smell that just melts into him."{說到她最喜歡的味道}「這種味道會讓我想到家。我一哩以外就能聞到我爸史蒂夫泰勒。只要他一穿我的衣服,我就能聞到他。有種類似琥珀的味道融入他體內。」

Elijah Wood

Plays piano.會彈鋼琴
Admits to owning thousands of CDs in many musical genres, because he loves music so much.擁有上千片各種風格的CD,因為他實在太愛音樂了。
Two of his favorite books are "The Hobbit" and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame."最喜歡的兩本書是「哈比人」與「鐘樓怪人」
Is the first member of the official "Lord of the Rings" fanclub.是魔戒正式粉斯俱樂部的頭號會員。
Studies singing professionally.曾學習正統聲樂
Suffered acute appendicitis and was briefly hospitalized [August 2003]去年8月因急性闌尾炎住院。
Aspires to start a record company.非常想開一間唱片公司
[about urinating in Peter Jackson's favourite fountain in Wellington, NZ, after a night out drinking:] "We were walking home and saw this fountain. Dom [Dominic Monaghan] and I looked at it and he said 'We should conquer it.' Once we got to the top, what else was there to do but urinate in it?" [quoted in MX (Melbourne, Australia), December 11, 2003]{說到他們對PJ在紐西蘭威靈頓最喜歡的噴泉所做的尿尿事件}「我們當時正要走回家,看到這座噴泉,Dom說:我們應該征服它。我們一踏上頂端,除了尿尿,你還能想到什麼?」
"I think being different, being against the grain of society, is the greatest thing in the world."「我認為與眾不同,對抗社會規範,是世上最棒的事。(譯註:這就是搖滾精神!Dude!!)」
[on filming the scene in _Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003)_ in which Sam tries to make Frodo recall the Shire:] "That day was very difficult and it was a long day. I remember Peter [Peter Jackson] actually crying on set after a few takes. It was a real defining moment for Sean [Sean Astin] and I, not only in this film, but in our acting." [December 14, 2003]{說到魔戒三部曲:王者再臨中,Sam試著要讓Frodo回想故鄉Shire那一幕}「那天真的很辛苦,很漫長,我記得導演PJ在片場拍完幾段後,也掉了眼淚。那是Sean跟我作為演員的關鍵時刻,不只是整部片,也是考驗我們的演技。」