A MESSAGE FOR JESSICA &11月22日 台中市外語協會兒童美語師資證照班
It's so nice to see you in teaching training class ,and you ask me how my class is!
I stopped my class as something terrible,my complete equipment of my class will take ? months.
I have so many ideas to hold the free short time class,just like" PHONICS",I will open my class after my complete equipment of my class ,it is not easy to operate a class, that's not the same as you think,sometimes, the class has so many problems,even though you read so many books,being luck , you was born in USA,you know ,I who am growing in R.O.C eager to marry a Chinese who was born in USA and just speaks a little Chinese,I have never been to USA,I want to know many words , vocabularies ,sentences ........................................................in USA ,but now, I am too fat,I wish that I can lose my weight,than I can ~~~,that is my day dream,have you ever thought a day dream like mine?
Some part of people think that Children English is very easy ,you needn't to learn,especially, it is for foreign,I think that the basic design of teaching skill has not changed in thousands of years,it comes in various styles ,I majored in Early Child Education in 2years academic,so I enjoy learning teaching skill and how the knowledge is ,in an area ,I am not for money,it is my recreation,I am so powerful!
The late George Horace Lorimer,for many years editor of The Saturday Evening Post, once wrote these words:"It is a good thing to have money and the things that money can buy,but it is good ,too, to check up once in a while and make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.
My classroom that is a old small bookhouse was established in 2007 ,welcome to my web everyday!
我喜歡參加師訊,因為可以增廣建聞,而且可以刺激你向上的動力~~~~~~~~I am so powerfull!