2016-07-27 09:29:33gailgi7w135i2

家教老師 英語家教網 pass law中文意思是什麼

    家教老師 英語家教網英文影片翻譯 會話教學 初級 英語學講英文 高中英文家教老師 免費英文教學補習班英文老師 學測英文 英國遊學英文初學者 高雄英文補習班 美語會話學英文小說推薦 預約的英文怎麼讀英文 線上教學英文 英語會話補習班推薦網路學英文 免費 英文補習班推薦 線上英語教室



pass law中文意思是什麼

pass law解釋


  • pass: vi (passed passed past )1 經過,通過;穿過;越過;超過;掠過;前進。2 (時間)流逝,推移;轉化...
  • law: n 勞〈姓氏〉。n 1 法律,法令;法典。2 法學;訴訟;司法界;律師(界),律師職務。3 (事物或科學的...

  • In feudal land law, the commission of a felony by a tenant caused his land to pass to his lord.

  • [ kjv ] and it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail

  • It took me longer to get through law school and pass the bar 國小線上教學 高雄高中英文家教老師

  • Pass the analysis, main of the safety " s outstanding problem of inland river shipping of influence now below a few aspect : while is an elder of shipping, the problem is serious, ships technique the function is bad ; two is a seaman character than bad, usual safety of seaman management the level operate the ability with seaman low ; three is a shipping company safety management weak, not well should the demand that safety manage ; four is a shipping safety management the law, laws is still not sound

  • I could heartily wish a law was enacted, that every traveller, before he were permitted to publish his voyages, should be obliged to make oath before the lord high chancellor, that all he intended to print was absolutely true to the best of his knowledge ; for the world would no longer be deceived, as it usually is, while some writer, to make their works pass the better upon the public, impose the grossest falsities on the unwary reader

    英語 如何把英文學好 我衷心希望能實行這樣一條法律:每一位旅行家在得到準許以前,必須向大法官宣誓,盡他的知識保證:他想要出版的游記全都是絕對真實的,世人才不會再像通常那樣受騙上當;然而有些作家,為了使自己的作品能討好大眾,硬是用一些彌天大謊來欺騙粗心大意的讀者。

    pass book, pass degree, pass fail, pass-check, pass-through, pass-word

    pass law中文意思是什麼
      toeic考試技巧 臺南英文外籍家教老師學習app 線上學英文唱歌學英語 tutorabc 英文 國小英文字源學 學唱歌課程 英文雜誌學英文商務英語會話 全民英檢初級複試托福英文 學英語的方法流利英語學苑 德文 西班牙文英文自學方法 台北英文補習班找臺中英文家教老師 兒童英文 英文日常會話舞蹈家教 英語會話 補習 英文家教中心
