2016-07-24 04:44:46gailgi7w135i2

學習網 台北家教行情 nicotinic acid diethylamide中文意思是什麼

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nicotinic acid diethylamide中文意思是什麼

nicotinic acid diethylamide解釋


  • nicotinic: adj. 【化學】煙堿(酸)的。
  • acid: adj. 1. 酸味的。2. 【化學】酸的,酸性的。3. 〈比喻〉尖酸刻薄的,易怒的。n. 1. 酸味物。2. 【化學】酸。adv. -ly ,-ness n.
  • diethylamide: 二乙基胺

  • Of angelica fight anaemic action, what the likelihood contains ? of b12 of nicotinic acid, vitamin to wait with its about

    當歸的抗貧血作用,可能與其所含煙酸、維生素b12 ?等有關。
  • See, i start with lysergic acid diethylamide base gept報名表 日常英文會話

  • Vitamin d is the only vitamin, apart from nicotinic acid, that is synthesized in the body.

  • Manufacturer of pyridines and aliphatic thiochemicals in china. products include dimethyl disulfide and sulfoxide, chloro -, bromo -, and amino - derivatives of pyridine and nicotinic acid, and derivatives of levulinic acid

    -主導產品有呋喃吡咯n -甲基吡咯反式- 4 -氨基環己醇環己甲酸四氫吡咯乙酰呋喃四氫呋喃等。
  • Stationary source emission - determination of hydrogen cyanide. iso - nicotinic - acid - 3 - methyl - phenyl - 5 - pyrazolone spectrophotometric method 托福課程 成人英語課程 線上學英文網站


    nicotinic acid amide, nicotinic acid benzyl ester, nicotinic acid deficiency, nicotinic signs and symptoms, nicotinic stomatitis, nicotinicacid

    nicotinic acid diethylamide中文意思是什麼
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