2016-07-17 20:44:48gailgi7w135i2

全民英檢高級 英文學習 magenta feelings take ushelter中文意思是什麼

    臺北英文補習班 toeic 考試找家教學生 全民英檢學習網站 兒童英文全民英檢高級 英文學習英語每日一句 英文教學 youtube英語進修 台北學英文 高中英文教學影片安親班的英文 全民英檢初級成績查詢台灣英語教學 雅思英文 線上發音 英文全 民英檢 大家學英文



magenta feelings take ushelter中文意思是什麼

magenta feelings take ushelter解釋線上多益 會話英語


  • magenta: n. 紅色苯胺染料;(堿性)品紅;洋紅。adj. 品紅色的。
  • feelings: 愛的感覺
  • take: vt (took; taken )1 (用手)拿,取,抓,握,捕,捉,逮捕;俘虜;攻取,占領;【牌戲】吃掉,勝過。...

  • We must not take combustible goods aboard.

  • Abracadabra ! take a speed - reading course. you could already be a lot further along in this book

  • You can take this as absolute gospel.

  • For years, we pay too much attention to the cost and profits, or things like that, but seldom take serious concerns for the employees as respective individuals, seldom care for their thoughts, their attitudes and their feelings, and often ignore the influence of culture. some kind of improvement should be made, if we still want to make further advancement

  • Every time i take up my painting brushes and face the miraculous nature, my feelings are wrapped up in the natural charms of green mountains and blue waters, marveling the nature ' s treasure and its rich fruits


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    magenta feelings take ushelter中文意思是什臺南外籍英文家教老師 網上教學
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