2016-06-21 02:55:31gailgi7w135i2

雜誌學英文 觀光英語會話 旅遊英文教學 handicraft and social affairs minister中文意思是什麼

    英文 國小 看公視學英語兒童英語補習班 怎樣學英語 數學家教高中英文家教老師 免費線上英語學習 空中英語國小線上教學 真人線上英語教學雜誌學英文 觀光英語會話 旅遊英文教學外籍家教 英檢網英語會話家教 全民英檢gept英語教學網 遊學的英文



handicraft and social affairs minister中文意思是什麼

handicraft and social affairs minister解釋


  • handicraft: n. 1. 手工,手工藝。2. 手工藝業。3. 手工藝品。
  • and: n. 1. 附加條件。2. 〈常 pl. 〉附加細節。
  • social: adj 1 社會的,社會上的。2 交際的,社交的;喜歡交際的。3 合群的;【動物;動物學】群居的;【植物;...
  • affairs: 經濟部
  • minister: n 1 部長;閣員,大臣;〈pl 〉政府。2 公使;外交使節。3 【宗教】牧師;〈英國〉非國教派牧師。 ★英國...

  • 5. the ministry of labor and social affairs has adopted a policy of equal access to services and

  • The people administer state affairs and manage economic, cultural and social affairs through various channels and in various ways in accordance with the law

  • The government is in concrete economy and social affairs, which functions should be fulfilled on earth

  • The “ forum on city informatization in the asia - pacific region ( ciapr ) ” is initiated in shanghai in 2000 by the shanghai municipal people ' s government and the united nations department of economic and social affairs ( un / desa ), in response to the call for bridging the digital divide of the “ ecosoc ministerial declaration ” and the united nations millennium summit

  • Mrs. peggy lam praised dr. leung kit - wah s continuous contribution in facilitating the exchange of eastern and western arts as well as promoting education and social affairs


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    handicraft全民英檢中高 英語會話班 生活英文對話 and social affairs minister中文意思是什麼

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