2013-05-25 12:00:27劉詩雅

[轉]Run in with the police... twice!






                                          ,monster beats turbine; ­

As I was driving to work today in the early morning, shortly after I entered the freeway, I took the HOV lane to pass a few cars.  HOV lanes are reserved for 2 or more passengers, and I was alone.  As I passed the cars, who was leading the pack?  Of course, it was a police van.  I drove slightly ahead of the cop, but I was trapped.  I could not really slow down to get away, or he would spot me alone in my car for sure, so I had only one option...  cooly signalled, and then lane changed right in front of him.  I waited about a minute, and then thanked God he did not pull me over on the spot.  Then I slowed down to the speed limit, and when I looked at my rear view mirror, I could see LOTS of cars behind me, as no one dared to speed and pass me.  I was still in front of the police van, and I was basically leading the pack.  This went on for about 10 minutes before the van finally took an exit. Then, as I was driving home from work, there is a street where there are only two lanes, and usually quite busy, so when there is a car waiting to turn left on the left lane, most drivers choose to lane change to the right to pass.  As I did this, I immediately hit a red light, so I stopped.  And what did I see in front of me?  A traffic cop, having pulled a car over.  As I sat there, I realized that again I had no choice, I was trapped.  I had to shoot out of the intersection as soon as the light turned green, and turned left to get ahead of the car on my left.  As I did this, the traffic cop turned to look at me, which was normal because I was driving straight at him!  Fortunately I did nothing wrong and did not drive too fast, so I get out of that situaton yet again. I thought today would be the day that I pop my cherry for sure, but God works in mysterious ways, and miraculously my driving record remains clean thus far.


非常有意思,很奇特。用你自己的方法。每個人玩的結果都不同。 ­





