2003-11-04 13:08:38靜惠

Winter Skincare 冬季皮膚保養

‧ 標題單字

skincare (n.) 護膚

Warning! Dry skin ahead

The sun and heat of summer is behind us, but that doesn't mean you can stop thinking about skincare. Your skin, the largest 1)organ of the body, is made of layers of 2)cells and oil 3)glands. Oil is produced by these glands all year, but in the cold months there are many elements robbing your skin of those oils when you need them most.


‧ 本段單字

1) organ (n.) 器官
2) cell (n.) 細胞
3) gland (n.) 腺體

In 1)humid weather your skin can get extra moisture from the air. But when the temperature drops, so does the humidity level. Besides, when it's colder you're more likely to take longer and hotter showers or baths. Perhaps you are sitting all day in an office or school where the heat is kept on. All these 2)factors will 3)strip the skin of oil and moisture.


‧ 本段單字

1) humid (a.) 潮濕的,濕熱的
2) factor (n.) 因素
3) strip (v.) 剝奪

The best thing to do is 1)seal that moisture in. After showering, put on an oil-based 2)lotion. Don't use water-based lotions as the water will quickly 3)evaporate off your skin.


‧ 本段單字

1) seal (v.) 封住
2) lotion (n.) 乳液
3) evaporate (v.) 蒸發

Also, don't 1)pack away the 2)sunscreen just because it's getting cold. Winter UV 3)rays can still damage and dry out skin. Use at least an SPF 15 sunscreen all year round, and don't forget to protect your lips.


‧ 本段單字

1) pack (v.) 打包
2) sunscreen (n.) 防曬乳
3) ray (n.) 射線

These 1)hints aren't just for models. Everyone should take better care of the skin, especially babies and the 2)elderly, who must be protected from the ill effects of winter.


‧ 本段單字

1) hint (n.) 提示
2) elderly (a.) 上了年紀的

For babies, keep bath time short and 1)moisturize soon after bathing. Be careful not to 2)wrap 3)infants or children in too many clothes. If they're too hot, it might 4)irritate their skin and could lead to 5)prickly heat. The elderly also have to be careful, since their glands are producing less oil now.


‧ 本段單字

1) moisturize (v.) 濕潤
2) wrap (v.) 包裹
3) infant (n.) 嬰兒
4) irritate (v.) 刺激,使過敏
5) prickly heat (phr.) 痱子,汗疹(又稱 heat rash)

Skincare experts have some additional 1)tips for winter. You should drink lots of water. 2)Indoors you can put bowls of water on top of 3)radiators to add more moisture to the air. When you take a shower, keep the bathroom door open, which allows moisture to spread into other rooms.


‧ 本段單字

1) tip (n.) 提示
2) indoors (adv.) 在室內
3) radiator (n.) 暖氣機

Put a moisturizer on especially dry areas of your body, such as hands, feet and 1)elbows. 2)Old-fashioned petroleum jelly will do. 3)Rubbing on the jelly at night and wearing cotton gloves or socks may not look sexy, but your skin will be much more 4)appealing in the morning. And imagine how nice your skin will look and feel when spring finally comes.


‧ 本段單字

1) elbow (n.) 手肘
2) old-fashioned (a.) 老式的
3) rub (v.) 塗抹
4) appealing (a.) 吸引人的