2004-07-20 10:01:50靜惠

Too Many Koalas! 無尾熊泛濫!

Attack of the cute creatures 可愛動物大進擊
Kangaroo Island in Australia has a cute little problem. In fact, the problem is that there are too many cute little animals running around-koalas, to be 1)precise. These fast-2)breeding little balls of 3)fur are eating all the leaves off the eucalyptus trees, and will soon be left without any food.


‧ 中級單字

1) precise (a.) 精確的
2) breed (v.) 繁殖
3) fur (n.) 絨毛

Koalas were introduced to the island 100 years ago. Since then, their numbers have grown to over 30,000. Because of koalas, trees in some areas are so 1)bare of leaves that they are dying. 2)Environmentalists say they need to be 3)reduced or they will face 4)eventual 5)starvation. So far, 6)removal and other programs have been unsuccessful in reducing their numbers.


‧ 中級單字

1) bare (a.) 光禿禿的
2) environmentalist (n.) 環保人士
3) reduce (v.) 減少,降低
4) eventual (a.) 最後的
5) starvation (n.) 飢餓,餓死
6) removal (n.) 移走

Environmentalists are calling on the government to reduce the 1)population by hunting koalas. Strangely enough, government 2)authorities say no to killing the koalas. It's usually the other way around. But the government is afraid of the 3)backlash that will be created if crocodile-turned-koala hunters start shooting on the island.


‧ 中級單字

1) population (n.) 人口,動物總數
2) authority (n.) 主管當局
3) backlash (n.) 反撲,強烈反對

The island 1)relies heavily on 2)tourism, and authorities are afraid it will drop if they kill the koalas. The 3)issue is especially 4)sensitive with Japanese 5)tourists. The 6)community 7)response so far has forced the government into a position where killing the koalas is impossible. It looks like the cute little 8)beasts have won this time.


‧ 中級單字

1) rely on (v.) 依靠
2) tourism (n.) 觀光業
3) issue (n.) 議題
4) sensitive (a.) 敏感的
5) tourist (n.) 觀光客
6) community (n.) 社區
7) response (n.) 反應
8) beast (n.) 野獸