2004-07-16 20:42:36靜惠

Ready for the Big League? 進軍大聯盟?

Young players in the NBA
Minutes after stepping onto the basketball 1)court last Wednesday (Oct. 30), 18-year-old LeBron James proved he was ready for the NBA. The point guard for the Cleveland Cavaliers 2)scored 12 points during the first 12 minutes of his 3)professional career. By the end of the game, James had earned 13 more points, and 4)lived up to the hype surrounding his 5)debut.


1) court (n.) 球場
2) score (v.) 得分
3) professional (a.) 職業的
4) live up to (phr.) 不愧於……
5) debut (n.) 首度演出
Yet despite his successful first game, many people still have 1)doubts. Shouldn't these high school students go to college first? Aren't they too young to 2)handle the 3)pressures of professional sports? These questions are becoming more common as the NBA continues to look for younger players.


1) doubt (n.) 懷疑
2) handle (v.) 處理
3) pressure (n.) 壓力
Last June, James was chosen as the number-one draft 1)pick for the 2003-2004 NBA season. He was the second high school player ever to have the 2)honor. Three other high school players were also drafted in the first 3)round.


1) pick (n.) 挑選
2) honor (n.) 榮耀,榮譽
3) round (n.) 回合
But really, this is nothing new. The NBA has 1)attracted young stars since 1971, when Spencer Haywood 2)sued the 3)league to be allowed to play. Until then, high school players had to wait four years before going 4)pro. Still, few 5)athletes were drafted out of high school until 2001. That year, four of the top 10 picks entered the NBA straight out of high school.

但是說真的,這不是新聞了。NBA 自一九七一年開始就一直吸引年輕明星球員,當時史賓塞海伍德為了參賽資格控告聯盟。在那之前,高中球員必須等上四年才能轉入職業籃球。可是,直到二○○一年之前,高中一畢業就被NBA選秀的運動員還是屈指可數。那一年,選秀排名前十名的球員中有四位是高中剛畢業的。

1) attract (v.) 吸引
2) sue (v.) 控告
3) league (n.) 聯盟
4) pro (a.) 職業的,代表 professional
5) athlete (n.) 運動員
But not everyone supports the decision to draft players right out of high school. 1)Critics say that few teenage athletes are 2)mature enough to 3)deal with the 4)mental and 5)physical pressure of the pros. Players also 6)sacrifice the chance to 7)further their education. And many feel that, 8)in the long run, a college education is more important than the NBA.


1) critic (n.) 批評者,評論家
2) mature (a.) 成熟的
3) deal with (phr.) 處理,對付
4) mental (a.) 心理的,精神的
5) physical (a.) 身體的
6) sacrifice (v.) 犧牲
7) further (v.) 增進,進一步發展
8) in the long run (phr.) 長期來看
But there are also many who support drafting young players. Many fans of the NBA think that drafting younger players 1)provides the league with exciting new 2)talent. Going pro allows players to earn a living. In college, athletes play for free and also 3)risk getting a career-ending 4)injury.


1) provide (v.) 提供
2) talent (n.) 才華,人才
3) risk (v.) 冒……之險
4) injury (n.) 傷害
The NBA says it would like to have a 1)minimum age 2)requirement of 20. Even Haywood thinks that might be a good idea. “I see some [players] straight out of high school that don't have the 3)fundamentals,” he says.


1) minimum (a.) 最低的
2) requirement (n.) 規定,要求
3) fundamental (n.) 基本
But now that King James is ruling the court in Cleveland, no one is jumping to change the rules. Says Haywood: “You see a guy like LeBron, and you say, ‘He's ready!’”But others are saying, “is he?” (based on Time For Kids, Nov. 17th, 2003 World Report)
