2004-06-25 09:53:14靜惠

Beauty To Die For 美麗的代價

Women may be poisoning themselves in a quest for lighter skin
For many Asian women, white skin is the be all and end all of beauty. Pricey creams and lotions promise to give their users a pale complexion, and women line up to lay their money down. Skin whiteners account for 60 percent of beauty product sales in the region. But how many of these white-worshippers really know what they're putting on their faces?
According to beauty experts, the active ingredient in most whitening products is either hydroquinone or fruit acids. Hydroquinone suppresses the production of melanin, the chemical that causes skin to darken. Doctors don't recommend using it for extended periods because it can lead to patchy or sensitive skin. Fruit acids work by removing the outer layer of dead skin cells, to boost the moisture content of the skin, unblock pores, and give the skin a clearer appearance.
However, a recent test of 36 popular skin-whitening products revealed a much more sinister ingredient: mercury. What's wrong with mercury? Well, have you ever heard the expression, "Mad as a hatter?" In 18 th century Europe, people who made hats used a lot of mercury in their work, and the fumes caused such widespread nerve damage that hat makers gained a reputation for madness. According to a professor at Hong Kong's Chinese University, even short-term exposure to mercury "can lead to convulsions, coma and death."
Of the eight brands containing mercury, one in particular contained up to 60,000 times the acceptable dose. 435 people in Hong Kong tested positive for mercury poisoning with over a dozen people requiring medical treatment.
People have always been willing to pay a high price for beauty, but "convulsions, coma and death" are perhaps a little more expensive than anyone can afford.
.the be-all and end-all of 為…的代名詞

During the late 90s, Armani was the be all and end all of men's fashion.

.gain a reputation for 獲得…的名聲

Our company's products have gained a reputation for quality and value.
1. lotion (n.) 乳液
2. complexion (n.) 膚色;氣色
3. account for (phr.) 佔有
4. worshipper (n.) 崇拜者
5. ingredient (n.) 成份
6. suppress (v.) 壓制
7. boost (v.) 提高;增加
8. moisture (n.) 水分;潮濕
9. reveal (v.) 揭示
10. fume (v.) 煙霧;蒸氣
11. widespread (adj.) 廣泛的
12. convulsion (n.) 抽搐
13. coma (n.) 昏迷