2004-06-01 09:24:45靜惠

Bagels 焙果

‧ Not just for breakfast any more
From 1)humble 2)origins as a Jewish breakfast food, bagels have now become a favorite 3)snack all over the world. In addition to regular bagels, there are also pizza bagels, bagel sandwiches and bagel 4)chips. 5)Not to mention the wide 6)variety of flavors: some bagel shops have as many as 40 or 50. Besides the "classic" varieties like 7)sesame 8)seed or 9)onion, you can find anything from 10)hot pepper to chocolate.


‧ 本段單字

1) humble (a.) 卑微的
2) origin (n.) 出身,起源
3) snack (n.) 點心,零食
4) chip (n.) 片
5) not to mention (phr.) 更不用說
6) variety (n.) 變化,種類
7) sesame (n.) 芝麻
8) seed (n.) 種子
9) onion (n.) 洋蔥
10) hot pepper (n.) 辣椒

Modern bagels have definitely 1)evolved, but some basic 2)characteristics remain unchanged. A true bagel is round with a hole in the middle and is boiled before being baked. The 3)treatment gives the bagel its 4)dense, 5)chewy 6)texture. Without boiling, it's not a bagel-it's just round bread.


‧ 本段單字

1) evolve (v.) 演化
2) characteristic (n.) 特質
3) treatment (n.) 處理
4) dense (a.) 緊密的,稠密的
5) chewy (a.) 耐咀嚼的
6) texture (n.) 質地

No one knows for sure exactly where bagels came from, but they certainly have a long history. The earliest written mention comes from a set of community 1)regulations in Poland in 1610, which says bagels were to be given to women in 2)childbirth. Unfortunately, it is not recorded how these bagels were made.


‧ 本段單字

1) regulation (n.) 規定
2) childbirth (n.) 分娩

A popular legend has it that modern bagels were invented by a Viennese baker in 1683 to celebrate the king of Poland's saving Austria from the 1)invading Turks. Because the king was an 2)avid 3)horseman, the baker made the bread in the shape of a 4)stirrup. The German word for "stirrup" was "beugel," which became "bagel" in English.

一個廣為流傳的故事說,現代焙果是由維也納一位麵包師傅在一六八三年發明的,以慶祝波蘭國王拯救奧地利免受土耳其的侵略。由於這位國王熱愛騎馬,因此麵包師傅就把麵包做成馬鐙的形狀。德文的「馬鐙」是 beugel,後來就演變成英文的bagel。

‧ 本段單字

1) invade (v.) 侵略
2) avid (a.) 熱心的
3) horseman (n.) 騎手
4) stirrup (n.) 馬鐙

Bagels were brought to America by Jewish immigrants in the 19th century. They were soon 1)matched with an American invention, 2)cream cheese. The cream cheese-bagel combination is still the most popular way to eat them. Immigrants often added 3)thin-sliced 4)smoked salmon called lox and tomatoes or onions, making the first bagel sandwiches. But bagels were still only eaten by Jews.

十九世紀時,焙果由猶太移民傳入美國。很快就和美國人的發明——奶油乳酪——搭配食用。奶油乳酪和焙果的組合至今仍是最受歡迎的吃法。移民常會加上切成薄片稱為 lox 的燻鮭魚,以及蕃茄和洋蔥,這就是最早的焙果三明治。但當時仍然只有猶太人才吃焙果。

‧ 本段單字

1) match (v.) 搭配
2) cream cheese (phr.) 奶油乳酪
3) thin-sliced (a.) 切薄片的
4) smoked salmon (phr.) 燻鮭魚

Bagels were 1)popularized by the Lender family, still the best-known name in bagels. The Lender bagel business originally began as a small bakery, founded in 1926 by Polish immigrant Harry Lender. In 1962, the Lender family began to market their frozen bagels nationally, making them the first bagels you could buy at the supermarket.


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1) popularize (v.) 普及化

1)Decades later, bagels became big business. U.S. bagel 2)consumption doubled between 1995 and 1999, and today the industry earns about US$4.7 billion a year. Everyone from McDonald's to Starbucks is selling bagels. Compared with 3)doughnuts and breakfast 4)pastries, bagels are low in 5)calories and fat (if you 6)take it easy on the cream cheese). No wonder the popularity of these 7)rolls keeps on rising.


‧ 本段單字

1) decade (n.) 十年
2) consumption (n.) 消耗
3) doughnut (n.) 甜甜圈
4) pastry (n.) 酥皮點心,糕餅
5) calorie (n.) 卡路里
6) take it easy on (phr.) 少用一點……
7) roll (n.) 麵包捲