2006-08-22 14:40:09风凡
☆ 不合群的羊就是狼
☆ the world is turning at high speed.... ppl should open up their eye to see....
☆ this chinese school even more conservative then malay school.....
☆ cant they look at ppl good point rather than comment on ppl work ?
☆ 你改写或再写另一篇等于你向暴力腐败低头
☆ my colleague thought that we are teaching sex in school..... she get shock when she knows that school never teach....
☆ when you are right.... don’t bother what ppl think about it... your classmate are those that never dare to fight for their right... the sad thing is they dont know wat is their right.... these are the good student your teacher and our government want... but if our country only got this type of student.... then we got no future at all...
☆ sometime we cant do much when we meet with ppl who stronger (强势) than us... but bare in mind, when you get strong... try to think at the weak ppl site...dont ever measure ppl with your own ruler....
★ i ask you: who judge our moral? law will judge whether i’m guilty or not guilty, right? if i’m guity, i will get punishment according the law by country.
★ OUTSIDE FACTORS ( family, law, social, religion) judges our morality. we can’t say ”i’m right! i’m right!”, and you no need to背上任何罪名吧?
★ 一些比较争议性的,我想应该不会有罪名吧。这就得看谁话事了,话事人决定一切。举例:妓女。可能大家都会说那是不道德的,但这是因为大家都喜欢用自己心中的那把尺去衡量人家。我朋友的功课曾经就是访问妓女,其实她们也有她们的限度,只是大家的标准不同而已。
★ that’s depend on the social. in our country, it’s illegal; but in US, it’s legal if the prostitute is above 18. so moral is not universal, it’s influented by how the social think. 这就是我说的“话事人”。
★ 同样的东西,my school installed CCTV in boy toilet,他们的做法对吗?我说不对,但他们却认为很对,甚至我的同学都认为对。有些老师认为不对,但依然不敢开声。
★ moral not only judge on the result of a deed, you hv to consider the reason of the deed, the intention of the deed. they set CCTV is based on the right intention... but they just do in the wrong way. they set it at wrong place.
★ 当我们说某些东西不对的时候,我们是在做比较,在跟我们心里的那标准作比较。社会的角度就是大家心理不谋而合的角度;一些人不一样的就称作怪人或叛徒。
★ 道德标准的出现是因为社会的现象。最基本的社会单位是family;道德也是从那里形成的。当很多个单位的家庭认同一件事,那就形成了我们的“社会道德” 。“社会道德”也是一个地方最重要的道德标准。
★ 这让我想到,小学老师叫我们做完功课后要空三行然后划线。有人只空了两行,结果被老师大骂一顿。同学有错吗?
☆ 不合群的羊就是狼
☆ the world is turning at high speed.... ppl should open up their eye to see....
☆ this chinese school even more conservative then malay school.....
☆ cant they look at ppl good point rather than comment on ppl work ?
☆ 你改写或再写另一篇等于你向暴力腐败低头
☆ my colleague thought that we are teaching sex in school..... she get shock when she knows that school never teach....
☆ when you are right.... don’t bother what ppl think about it... your classmate are those that never dare to fight for their right... the sad thing is they dont know wat is their right.... these are the good student your teacher and our government want... but if our country only got this type of student.... then we got no future at all...
☆ sometime we cant do much when we meet with ppl who stronger (强势) than us... but bare in mind, when you get strong... try to think at the weak ppl site...dont ever measure ppl with your own ruler....
★ i ask you: who judge our moral? law will judge whether i’m guilty or not guilty, right? if i’m guity, i will get punishment according the law by country.
★ OUTSIDE FACTORS ( family, law, social, religion) judges our morality. we can’t say ”i’m right! i’m right!”, and you no need to背上任何罪名吧?
★ 一些比较争议性的,我想应该不会有罪名吧。这就得看谁话事了,话事人决定一切。举例:妓女。可能大家都会说那是不道德的,但这是因为大家都喜欢用自己心中的那把尺去衡量人家。我朋友的功课曾经就是访问妓女,其实她们也有她们的限度,只是大家的标准不同而已。
★ that’s depend on the social. in our country, it’s illegal; but in US, it’s legal if the prostitute is above 18. so moral is not universal, it’s influented by how the social think. 这就是我说的“话事人”。
★ 同样的东西,my school installed CCTV in boy toilet,他们的做法对吗?我说不对,但他们却认为很对,甚至我的同学都认为对。有些老师认为不对,但依然不敢开声。
★ moral not only judge on the result of a deed, you hv to consider the reason of the deed, the intention of the deed. they set CCTV is based on the right intention... but they just do in the wrong way. they set it at wrong place.
★ 当我们说某些东西不对的时候,我们是在做比较,在跟我们心里的那标准作比较。社会的角度就是大家心理不谋而合的角度;一些人不一样的就称作怪人或叛徒。
★ 道德标准的出现是因为社会的现象。最基本的社会单位是family;道德也是从那里形成的。当很多个单位的家庭认同一件事,那就形成了我们的“社会道德” 。“社会道德”也是一个地方最重要的道德标准。
★ 这让我想到,小学老师叫我们做完功课后要空三行然后划线。有人只空了两行,结果被老师大骂一顿。同学有错吗?