2011-05-24 22:48:31前權 & 靜宜
Wherever you go , I will go also.
Translated by SFT
It’s not easy for Yi to ride a bicycle long distances. However, because of her love for me, she is determined to accompany with me on this journey.On our journey, she is my lucky star, turning a potential mishap into luck.
One day, because of the rain, we took a break in a fast food restaurant. There came a gentleman asking Yi if she liked ice cream. Then we ended up with two cups of ice cream. With so many friendly people along our journey, it’s a little bit of compensation for Yi during our travels.
Yi knows when to be nice to herself and to find some variety with simplicity at the same time. Since strawberries were on sale, she got one box to satisfy her craving.
Chuan, on the other hand, enjoys biking a lot. He does not mind simple meals, sleeping on the ground, and dealing with the seemingly endless flat tires. He always itches for cycling.
Two different personalities, with a little love mixed in, we are making this ride work as we pedal around the world as a team.
In Summerfield, FL, we went to St. John's Lutheran Church for Sunday service. There we met Dave and Donna who invited us for lunch afterwards and then took us to their home for a rest. There’s a golf course in the community. It’s a heaven for retired people.
Dave and Donna moved from Ohio to Florida 12 years ago. Dave used to work at NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). He told us that we could watch the space shuttle Endeavor on its 25th and last launch in Cape Canaveral at about 8:45am on Monday (5/16) from Summerfield. Alas, it was a cloudy day, so we missed it.
We have ridden slowly, but steadily, approaching Miami. I think Yi can ride with me not because of her physical strength, but her easy going nature. We have shared bliss and adversity together.
Nonetheless, it’s still not an easy task for Yi to ride a bike long distance for so long. There’s a dream world we would like to explore.
Perhaps, we will then go together with a different vehicle other than a bike.