2004-08-14 21:27:32五個有趣的人

How's you, maggie??

How's you, maggie? I 've just read fung's articles and seems that you have a unhappy experience in your work...i am eager to listen and also share my work exp. with you... pls call me la(as i do not know when you'll be in HK)...

Also, how's Fung, 0-Ho and Anfview?? how's your work? Fung has an OT, that means your boss very look up on you..although: according to this standard, my boss is very, very and very look up on me!!!

For the Olympic games, i think my boss can create a new world record of working overtime until 6:00 am !! Maybe 8:30am to 6:00 am(next day!!)
As he is crazy, pls take him as a 'opposite teaching material'...

Kwok Ho