2004-08-11 12:09:38五個有趣的人

maggie!! try hard!

maggie, sorry for that i cannot let you to talk the whole story out! as that is that little moment for relax within a day, so i really need that tv show in order to laugh!!
in fact i wantto give your some advice also. i know yesterday your mood is so uncertain. but i think sometimes you need to contral your emotion. as you job also require you that to have a high EQ, what your head tell u is some opinions to your job, if you wantto be an expert in your career, you surely need to think how to improve yourself in order to get progress!! noone can be an expert in the beginning, so there are some ppl who can point out what u should do is a good experience!
i hope u can enjoy a smooth mood always !!a comfortable world!

