2004-04-07 20:41:42β


Teacher: "Which is more important to us, the sun or the moon?"

Pupil: "The moon".

Teacher: "Why?"

Pupil: "The moon gives us light at night when we need it but the sun gives us light only in the day time when we don't need it".

Teacher: "What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?"

Pupil: "A teacher".

Teacher: "Sam, you talk a lot!"

Sam: "It's a family tradition".

Teacher: "What do you mean?"

Sam: "Sir, my grandpa was a street hawker, my father is a teacher".

Teacher: "What about your mother?"

Sam: "She's a woman".

Teacher: "Now, children, if I saw a man beating a donkey and stopped him, what virtue would I be showing?"

Student: "Brotherly love".

Teacher: "Now, Sam, tell me frankly do you say prayers before eating?"

Sam: "No sir, I don't have to, my mom is a good cook".

Teacher: “Can anybody give an example of COINCIDENCE?"

One Student: "Sir, my Mother and Father got married on the same day and at the same time."

Teacher: “George Washington not only chopped down his father's Cherry tree, but also admitted doing it. Now do you know why his father didn't punish him?"

One Student: “Because George still had the axe in his hand."