2010-01-04 01:39:54R


也不是真的不要關心 也不是真的不曾介意

可偏我也不是真的拒絕這一切 只留下自己

也不是全都不理不聽 也不是真的無從繼續

可每一次我的試著堅強 都成不得已的哭泣

I’m screaming, I’m losing all of it

I’m trying to be mature someday

but ‘till now it’s still in vain

I’m bearing, I’m losing all of it

I’m trying to go on this path

but you said I haven’t get the jest

也不是真的不要關心 也不是真的想盡辦法任性

而你懂不懂 我懂不懂 其實我心底都珍惜

也不是全都不理不聽 也不是硬要顛反事理

可每一次我都試著靠近 都成了你看見的抗議

I’m screaming, I’m losing all of it

I’m trying to be prefect someday

but ‘till now it’s still in vain

I’m bearing, I’m losing all of it

I’m trying to be understood

but you said I haven’t had seen it yet

(but you said I haven’t get the point)

I’m try it out, I’ll try it out

I’m trying it out sometime

I’m trying it out someday
prince 2010-01-05 05:03:33


*^______^* 2010-01-05 23:14:20
prince 2010-01-04 06:04:07



哈哈~ ^0^'' 2010-01-05 00:24:19