2013-04-21 17:49:24 Frank

04212013 to Kevin

Dear Kevin,


I think I would prefer you talk to your room mate politely with friendly approach as it will only help the situation better.  Whether he is selfish or self-centered or not, the bottom line is he has no right to intrude your well deserve space which you both are paying the same room charge.  Maybe there is something behind us that deal was made between him and school administration that we really don’t know but the key is you need to ask him to give you space back, just tell him I need an honest space.


If the situation has not change then please write email to him and copy Mr. Mahoney, Dragon, Raia and Angel of EF Taipei.  Here is what I would like to suggested:




Dear xxxx


I hate to say I was thrilled when I learned I can move from Lugari to Butler and share the same room with you because we know each other, everyone told me that you are a good guy, I should enjoy great relationship with you. You are very fine boy just like most of the teens.  Somehow it seems you have obsession about what you want to do despite I have tried couple times with friendly approach. 


I think it might make more sense if I write you an memo regarding my personal concern and hopefully you understand how I would like to get the things straighten out.  I also understand completely that you feel some kind of fuck-up after I move in which you told me you are allow to enjoy your private room until the third semester is finished which I have no clue about it.  My point is if school management has deal with you about the said agreement then I have no idea why they put me in.  Furthermore, I have no idea why you think I took your benefit unless you think my tuition doesn’t including the dormitory fee?  My parent pay the full cost just like everyone does therefore all I asked you do me a favor is all the drawer, closest that we should share evenly. Right now it seems you are taking the lion share of the space and not allow me to put my personal belongings?  If you wear my shoes and walk for few steps then you will know what is feel like?


You are very talent individual, I am hoping to learn something from you and build a good rapport with everyone in this school, we have 6 billion people in the world then we can meet up and share room together is 1/6,000,000,000. Did you see the TV episode “Touch”?  it is talking about miracle world put everything link together.  I cannot agree with such theory anymore. 


We are all here away from our beloved parent, our goal is be a good student and extend our connection with people from different part of the world and I treasure this encounter so much.  Life is short and I hope we can see we both are growing while sharing the same room and same school.


I also copy the school administration as I think they deserve to know what is happening as they are responsible to my parent who entrusted their kids to school. The least thing I want to see is we can not be a good friend that we can stick together.  I always welcome your warm friendly but please let me have fair space that I need it badly.  I know I am not perfect, I think I can learn a lot from you only if you are willing to open your arms accept me, anything you think I need to correct which you don’t like it, please let me know, I will see what I can do as bottom line is we should be a good friend who has good nature that will make our life or memory at EFIA better.  I am sure you will agree with me.


Look forward to discuss with you how we can share the space together, I don’t mind you take more space as long as my belongings can be fitted, maybe after 10 days, when we think back about this matter, we will all laugh as our life is fill of tons of challenge, we were bugging on the small stuff? Right


Yours sincerely

Kevin Hsieh




Please try it and let me know if it works.

Just remember, always makes friend no enemy but they can not cross the board intrude my turf. 


