2006-10-08 14:39:21formosan

Packing to Go

I have started to pack again. Though life in my previous episode of Shanghai-The New City seemed to exist 10 years ago, packing to get here seemed only like a week before. And now I’m doing it again.

And it didn’t seem much longer before when I was moving accross the strait, or just a bit earlier, from the west to the east, or from the east to the west or of the various times moving up and down the island. And now I’m doing it again.

I don’t find it much difficult still. Truth is, the most difficult time always starts when you are back to the familiar yet strange place.

But I have grown and changed over the past year- Worked hard building up this place, seeing the other parts of China, meeting new people, saying bye to good friends, searching for what I really want in life, failing in faith and regaining it. All these has changed me. Now moving back to the big city doesn’t seem like a daunting task. The outside enviornment may change as it wishes. But the inner mind is knowing better of what it wants each day.

I am thankful for this opportunity to have lived a year in the inner land. I was frustrated at first, feeling everyone here is doing things wrong. Yet as time passed, I realize if one seems Shanghai as China, then this is definitely a different country. Hence knew better to appreciate and accept the differences. I would miss the people here. They are truely genuine at heart and very friendly. I hope to keep that with me for always.
