2021-03-31 00:46:45胖大個

The noise of indifference is deafening.

The noise of indifference is deafening. The human experience is characterized by vain pursuits and trivial amusement. Too easily captivated by the meaningless, our hearts grow numb to the possibility of something better… something beyond the grasp of our comprehension. But… there is a still, small voice speaking from the realm of His creation– a whisper which cannot be ignored. Burning deep within the the human heart is an awareness of something more. A purpose greater than self. A path less traveled. This route demands the abandonment of the ordinary, but clears the way for an adventure that leaps beyond the predictable. This paramount endeavor is not for the faint of heart. It cannot be undertaken by the apathetic or by the overly confident. This pursuit requires humility and surrender; knowledge and skill. In the face of uncertainty and despite feelings of inadequacy, it requires intentional preparation, intense focus, and strong determination. There will be seasons of struggle and moments of exhaustion. You will fail, encounter fear, and lose your footing. Many will question the payoff and others will turn back and quit. But the God who spoke the mountains into existence will set your feet on the rock and establish your direction. Endurance will lead to confidence, and the struggle will yield greatness. This is not a call that results in limitation, but rather a call that leads to liberation. So follow the call, embrace the adventure, and let God show you the wonder of His ways. The noise of indifference is deafening. Breathe in His goodness. Extend yourself. Trust Him and and climb higher.