2022-02-14 09:20:07foodingchina

Vitamin B2

 Vitamin B2 role:

Vitamin B2 can promote growth and cell regeneration. The skin, nails, hairs normal growth. Vitamin B2 help eliminate mouth, lips, tongue inflammation. Vitamin B2 can improve vision and reduce eye fatigue. E101 can also interact with other substances to help the carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.

Vitamin B2 physiological functions:
E101 can participate in carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and fat metabolism can improve the bodys utilization of protein, to promote the growth and development. E101 can be involved in cell growth and metabolism, is the body tissue metabolism and repair must be nutrients. Vitamin B2 can strengthen the liver function, regulating the secretion of adrenaline. Protect the hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the mucous membrane function. Enhanced vision. Vitamin B2 can also be used to treat angina, Vitamin B2 for the prevention and treatment of migraine. Vitamin B2 help to improve the quality of life. E101 can prevent cancer.

Vitamin B2 is water-soluble vitamin, easily digested and absorbed, the amount to be discharged with the bodys needs and the possible loss of the protein with the degree of increase or decrease; E101 does not accumulate in the body, it is often necessary to supplement food or nutritional supplements to . The difference is that E101 and B1 to heat, acid, resistance to oxidation. Vitamin B2 widely distributed in nature as a vitamin. Vitamin B2 is essential mammalian nutrient and its coenzyme form of flavin mononucleotide and flavin adenine dinucleotide.