2006-05-28 22:39:34Knight

Even Though Love Is Sorrowful

Even though love is sorrowful,
But none is reluctant to discard
Its beauty coloring the sunrise,
From whence encountering her gleaming smile
After a wake from weeping night,
And hence care not the heart
Drifting in the forlorn ocean
Of blue heaven.

Even though love is exhausting,
But none has wish of fleeing,
Not until the wind
Feebly carries away
The last leave Of withering wait,
Trembling in the saddest twilight,
Burning the last hope
Of golden sunset.

Even though love is painful,
But none is able to resist its enticement,
Not until heart breaks into the sharpest pieces
That tear the moonlight in the dream;
Not until someone suddenly wake up
In the plainest sunlight,
That vaporizes the last passion
Wandering in the cloudless sky

下一篇:Futile Lines

Jo 2006-05-30 13:45:03

忘了提Botticelli了, 圖文相得益彰啊!

Jo 2006-05-28 22:48:34

I like this verse, especially the last section when I read it from the board. so touching.