2009-06-08 13:14:31歐頭






The Prelude and Fugue in E minor was published in the album Notre Temps in Mainz in 1841. The Prelude, written in that year, makes much of its opening motif and its continuation. The Fugue, written in 1827, has all the impetus inherent in a form to which Mendelssohn had devoted some study and of which he again demonstrates complete control, evidence of the way in which he had, even as a boy, absorbed the lessons of earlier musical traditions.

音樂0@@曲名:「Prelude and Fugue in E minorFugue / 4'36"【CD-TK12】


**演奏者:Frith, Benjamin/鋼琴



**專輯名稱:「孟德爾頌鋼琴作品Vol. 5」




The Variations sérieuses, Opus 54, were written in 1841 and published in Vienna the following year. The variations had a serious intention as a contribution to the album published by Pietro Mechetti for the proposed Beethoven monument in Bonn. The volume also included contributions from Chopin, Czerny, Dohler, Henselt, Kalkbrenner, Liszt, Moscheles, Taubert and Thalberg, and bore the title Dix morceaux brillants, perhaps leading Mendelssohn to disclaim, in his own title, a suggestion of ostentation. The seventeen variations, one of the original eighteen having been deleted by the composer, do, of course, have their moments of brilliance. The theme, however, is gentle enough. The eighth variation, an Allegro vivace, introduces an element of technical brilliance, but this is contrasted with a contrapuntally imitative variation, in the manner of a chorale variation, and a gently syncopated treatment of the theme. There is immediate contrast in what follows, after which the fourteenth variation, in D major, serves as a slow movement. The original key is restored in a variation that leads imperceptibly to a brilliant Allegro vivace and a final Presto.

音樂1@@曲名:「Variations serieuses in D minorOp. 54/ -12'31"【CD-TK7】


**演奏者:Frith, Benjamin/鋼琴



**專輯名稱:「孟德爾頌鋼琴作品Vol. 2」


OS2The Variations in E flat major, Opus 82, were written in 1841. In May Mendelssohn had returned to Berlin. It had been suggested to him that the Academy of Arts, under the rule of the new king, Friedrich Wilhelm IV, should be reorganized and that Mendelssohn should take charge of the music section, establishing a conservatory and taking charge of the performance of sacred and secular music. The composer's family was very much in favour of the idea. His father had died in 1835, but his mother, Leah Mendelssohn, was still living in Berlin, as were his sister Fanny, his brother Paul and other members of the family. Mendelssohn was at first reluctant to move from Leipzig. In Berlin he had had an earlier reverse, when he had failed to gain appointment, in succession to his teacher Zelter, as director of the Singakadamie. Berlin again brought disappointment and by 1842 Mendelssohn was in Leipzig again, setting up his conservatory there in November. It was in Berlin in the summer of 1841 that he seems to have written three sets of variations for piano, of which the Variations sérieuses, Opus 54, are the best known. The Opus 82 Variations present a hymn-like theme, marked Andante assai espressivo, followed by five variations. The first of these allows the lower register to be answered by the higher; the second has a running triple-rhythm accompaniment; the third, marked Più vivace offers solid, repeated chords, as one register answers the other; the fourth, Più moderato, has a repeated figure in the bass, while the fifth opens with notes of greater rapidity, before the final section and ultimate return of the theme.

Variations in E flat major
Op. 82/ -8'24"【CD-TK10】


**演奏者:Frith, Benjamin/鋼琴



**專輯名稱:「孟德爾頌鋼琴作品Vol. 3」




OS3這裡是FM97.7古典音樂台 歡迎回到【古典啟示錄】禮拜二「時空DoReMe」下半段的時間,我是OTTO我們繼續來聽孟德爾頌23三十二歲1841年。


The Variations in B flat major, Opus 83, have been dated to 1841, after Mendelssohn's uneasy return to Berlin, one of three such sets of variations written at this time. The work was posthumously in 1850. A characteristic singing Andante theme is followed by five variations, the fourth in the relative minor, followed by a less inspired final Allegro assai.

音樂3@@曲名:「Variations in B flat majorOp. 83/ -9'00"【CD-TK9】


**演奏者:Frith, Benjamin/鋼琴



**專輯名稱:「孟德爾頌鋼琴作品Vol. 4」



@@曲名:「古代德意志之歌,作品57-1」/ -1'23"【CD-TK17】

音樂4-2@@曲名:「餵羊歌,作品57-2」/ -3'04"【CD-TK18】








音樂5-1@@曲名:「Venetianisches船歌,作品57-5」/ -2'20"【CD-TK12】

音樂5-2@@曲名:「流浪之歌,作品57-6」/ -1'50"【CD-TK1】








音樂6-1@@曲名:「無言歌第四集,降A大調,作品53-1」/ -3'22"【CD1-TK19】

音樂6-2@@曲名:「無言歌第四集,降E大調,作品53-2」/ -2'39"【CD2-TK20】

音樂6-3@@曲名:「無言歌第四集,g小調,作品53-3」/ -2'29"【CD3-TK21】




**CD編號:453 061-2





