2009-06-03 00:39:49歐頭

20009-0604(四)男中音Robert Merrill生日





音樂0@@曲名:「The Sound of Music/ -2'47"CD-TK2

**作曲家Richard Rodgers




**專輯名稱:「The Sound of Music




64日 批評專家

宮位:雙子座 13-15

雙子座 二

變動的 風像

瑪麗娜(Judith Malina)德裔舞臺劇演員、導演,紐約現代劇場的創辦人之一。

Early life

Malina was born in Kiel, Germany, the daughter of an aspiring actress mother and a rabbi father.[1][2] In 1929, she moved with her parents to the Bronx New York City, where she has lived with few interruptions ever since. Interested in acting from an early age, she began attending the New School for Social Research in 1945 to study theatre under Erwin Piscator. Malina was greatly influenced by Piscator's philosophy of theatre, which was based on Bertolt Brecht's principles of "epic theatre" but went further than Brecht in departing from traditional narrative forms, and which saw theatre as a form of political communication or agitprop—though Malina, unlike Piscator, was committed to nonviolence and anarchism.

Career & marriage

Malina met her long-time collaborator and husband, Julian Beck, when she was 17. Beck, originally a painter, came to share her interest in political theatre, and in 1947 the two founded The Living Theatre, which they directed together until Beck's death in 1985. Malina's and Beck's marriage was as unconventional as their work: Beck was bisexual and had a male partner, and Malina was involved with a series of men. The couple had two children--daughter, Isha, and a son, Garrick.

When the company ran afoul of the IRS in 1963, the theatre was seized by the government, and Malina and Beck were convicted of contempt of court. They received a five-year suspended sentence, and decided to leave the U.S. The company spent the next five years touring in Europe and creating increasingly radical works, culminating in Paradise Now, which they returned to the U.S. to present in 1968. Malina's book The Enormous Despair (1972), part of her series of diaries, records the sense of danger and unfamiliarity she felt on returning to the U.S. in the midst of the social upheavals of the late 1960s.

When the main Living Theatre company disbanded in 1969, Malina and Beck continued to work together, and in 1971 they traveled with other company members to Brazil, where they were imprisoned for two months on political charges. On returning to New York, they reconstituted a new Living Theatre group. After Beck's death from cancer, company member Hanon Reznikov, who had become Malina's lover (they married in 1988), assumed co-leadership of the company, which opened its own theater in 2007 at 21 Clinton Street in Manhattan. In April of 2008 Reznikov suffered a stroke, and while hospitalized he died of pneumonia on May 3 at the age of 57.

Malina's occasional film career began in 1975, when she had a small role in Dog Day Afternoon and later briefly appeared in Al Pacino's Looking for Richard. She played larger roles in the movies The Addams Family (1991), Household Saints (1993) and in the low-budget production Nothing Really Happens (2003). She appeared in an episode of The Sopranos in 2006.

On March 9, 2006, Judith Malina performed as The Princess in Witold Gombrowicz's Operetta at La Mama Theatre. The production is being directed by Zishan Ugurlu and is the 20th anniversary production of the Eugene Lang College, a branch of The New School where Malina worked early on in her career in NYC. She celebrated her 80th birthday on June 4, 2006 with performances in Rome and Berlin taking place on May 26 and June 8.

Judith Malina has played major roles in many other experimental multimedia performances with The Gift of Eagle Orchestra and CosmicLegends. Performances such as Devachan and the Monads, Dwarf of Oblivion which have taken place at the Kitchen Center for Performance Art, were fully improvised large scale performances pieces. under the direction of composer/pianist Sylvie Degiez and have included a who's who of NYC legends including poets and musicians, Ira Cohen, Taylor Mead, Rashied Ali, and Wayne Lopes.

On September 22, 2008, Olympia Dukakis presented Malina with the 2008 Artistic Achievement Award from the New York Innovative Theatre Awards. This honor was bestowed on Malina on behalf of her peers and follow artists of the Off-Off-Broadway community "in recognition of her unabashed pioneering spirit and unyielding dedication to her craft and the Off-Off-Broadway community".

On March 25, 2009, Malina received the Edwin Booth Award from the Doctoral Theatre Students Association of the City University of New York.


音樂1-1@@曲名Do-Re-Mi/ -5'37"CD-TK5

音樂1-2@@曲名:「Sixteen Going on Seventeen/ -3'47"CD-TK6

**作曲家:Richard Rodgers




**專輯名稱:「The Sound of Music




 美國男中音梅瑞爾(Robert Merrill),曾在托斯卡尼尼擔任指揮的歌劇錄音中演唱,1965年在紐約出版自傳《重新開始》。 Robert Merrill 191764- 20041023日)是美國歌劇男中音。雖然有傳言說他生於1919年。但他的家人在墓碑上仍刻著他出生於1917年。 Robert Merrill出生於紐約191764日,他的母親是以為音樂劇歌手——Lillian Miller Merrill,從小Robert Merrill從母親那裏得到了音樂的薰陶,之後他作為一個流行歌手開始開展演唱事業,後轉型為歌劇演唱家。Robert MerrillVerdi演譯非常有名。資料來源,http://www.top100.cn/Product/singer.aspx?SingerID=7876

音樂2@@曲名:「Recitar!…Vesti la giubba」選自「丑角」/ -3'55"CD5-TK2


**演奏者:畢約林/男高音,Robert Merrill /男中音,Renato Cellini指揮RCA勝利管絃樂團、羅伯蕭合唱團


**CD編號:50999 2 17313 2 7

**專輯名稱:「Jussi Bjorling—The Swedish Caruso



音樂3@@曲名:「A Stanotte…Coraggio!…No, Pagliaccio non son」選自「丑角」/ -8'15"CD5-TK3


**演奏者:畢約林/男高音、,Renato Cellini指揮RCA勝利管絃樂團、羅伯蕭合唱團


**CD編號:50999 2 17313 2 7

**專輯名稱:「Jussi Bjorling—The Swedish Caruso




OS4這裡是FM97.7古典音樂台 歡迎回到【古典啟示錄】禮拜四「壽星藝術家」下半段的時間,我是OTTO…,我們繼續來聊64日生日的壽星名人。





音樂4@@曲名:「最長的一日」/ -4'42"CD-TK1

**作曲家Paul Anka

**演奏者:Paul Bateman指揮布拉格市立愛樂


**CD編號:SSD 1036

**專輯名稱:「The Longest Day—Music From The Classic War Films




音樂5@@曲名:將軍組曲「麥克阿瑟/巴頓將軍」/ -5'27"CD-TK6

**作曲家:Jerry Goldsmith

**演奏者:Paul Bateman指揮布拉格市立愛樂


**CD編號:SSD 1036

**專輯名稱:「The Longest Day—Music From The Classic War Films



OS6:美國電影演員布魯斯鄧(Bruce Dern) 出生地:美國芝加哥,他是演員蘿拉鄧的父親。

以下為Bruce Dern作品表

§  農民太空人 The Astronaut Farmer 2007

§  相信我 Believe in Me 2006

§  女魔頭 Monster 2003

§  Masked and Anonymous 2003

§  玻璃屋 The Glass House 2001

§  愛在奔馳 All the Pretty Horses 2000

§  鬼入侵 The Hunting 1999

§  終極悍將 The Last Man Standing 1996

§  絕命大復仇 Dead Man'S Revenge 1994

§  灌籃歲月 That Championship Season 1982

§  歸返家園 Coming Home 1978

§  最長的星期日 Black Sunday 1977

§  大巧局 Family Plot 1976

§  萬里奪金記 The War Wagon 1967

§  豔賊 Marnie 1964

蘿拉·伊麗莎白·鄧恩-哈普 (Laura Elizabeth Dern-Harper1967210)是一名美國女演員,曾經因為作品《激情薔薇》入圍過奧斯卡最佳女主角獎,其他作品包括《侏儸紀公園》、《侏儸紀公園3》、《藍絲絨》、《十月的天空》、《面具》、《強盜保鑣》以及《我心狂野》,她也曾因為《We Don't Live Here Anymore》榮獲波士頓影評人協會獎最佳女主角獎。
音樂6-1@@曲名:「蝙蝠俠」/ -2'35"CD2-TK1

音樂6-2@@曲名:「超人」/ -4'41"CD3-TK4





**專輯名稱:「The Ultimate Movie Music Collection



OS7:爵士樂作曲家、編曲家、中高音及次低音薩克斯管手尼爾森(Oliver Nelson)雖然在演奏上的功力也不錯,但他在作曲與編曲上的才華,才是真正讓他留名於爵士史的關鍵。英年早逝(1975年因心臟病過世, 享年43)的他,與另一位天妒英才的好手--Eric Dolphy合作的兩張經典專輯: "Scream' The Blues""The Blues And The Abstract Truth"



音樂7-1@@曲名:「The Bean Stalks Again/ -3'24"CD-TK16

音樂7-2@@曲名:「Body and Soul/ -4'51"CD-TK17


**演奏者:Coleman Hawkins/薩克斯風

**唱片公司:Victor Jazz


**專輯名稱:「Body & Soul


