2009-05-14 15:46:58歐頭








音樂0@@曲名:「降B大調大提琴奏鳴曲,作品45」第二樂章行板/ -5'11"【CD-TK11】









音樂1@@曲名:「E大調第五號弦樂四重奏,作品44-3」第一樂章活潑的快板/ -12'27"【CD2-TK5】




**CD編號:00289 477 5370




音樂2@@曲名:「E大調第五號弦樂四重奏,作品44-3」第二樂章詼諧曲/ -4'06"【CD2-TK6】




**CD編號:00289 477 5370





OS3這裡是FM97.7古典音樂台 歡迎回到【古典啟示錄】禮拜二「時空DoReMe」下半段的時間,我是OTTO我們繼續來聽第20集、主題二十九歲1838年。

Mendelssohn completed his Violin Sonata in F major on 15th June 1838, but withheld it from publication, leaving its rediscovery to Yehudi Menuhin, who published the work in 1953. It is an example of music of the composer's maturity, at a time when he had begun to contemplate the great Violin Concerto in E minor. This last was introduced to the public in Leipzig in 1845 by Ferdinand David, a pupil of Spohr, who had taken up a position in 1836, at the age of 26, as leader of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra under Mendelssohn. The sonata in many ways prefigures the later concerto and was presumably written with David in mind. The first movement starts with the expected brilliance in a principal subject stated initially by the piano and extended by the violin. This leads to secondary material, appearing first with a shift to the minor. The central development ends with a passage accompanied by violin arpeggios, prefiguring a similar passage in the future concerto. These arpeggios accompany the start of the recapitulation, as the principal subject makes its return. The moving A major Adagio again allows the piano to introduce the main theme, then taken up by the violin in a movement of fine simplicity that still finds a place for outbursts of passionate feeling. The sonata ends with a movement in the familiar style of a Mendelssohn scherzo in which the writing for the two instruments remains, as always, perfectly balanced.

音樂3@@曲名:「F大調小提琴奏鳴曲」第一樂章快板/ -4'20"【CD-TK7】


**演奏者:Nomos Duo






音樂4@@曲名:「F大調小提琴奏鳴曲」第二樂章行板/ -5'34"【CD-TK8】


**演奏者:Nomos Duo






音樂5@@曲名:「D大調第三號弦樂四重奏,作品44-1」第三樂章充滿情感但速度加快的行板/ -5'26"【CD3-TK3】




**CD編號:00289 477 5370




音樂6@@曲名:「D大調第三號弦樂四重奏,作品44-1」第四樂章光輝的急板/ -6'58"【CD3-TK4】




**CD編號:00289 477 5370



