2009-02-24 11:16:08歐頭








音樂1@@曲名:「g小調鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品105」第二樂章慢板(1821年)/ -6'54"【CD-TK2】


**演奏者:Benjamin Frith/鋼琴





OS2Mendelssohn started composition lessons at the age of eight with Carl Zelter and it was with him that, four years later, he travelled to Weimar to meet the old poet and polymath Goethe. Having amazed Goethe and his guests by his improvisations and sight-reading of manuscripts by Mozart and Beethoven, four days later he played Goethe his new Sonata in G minor, assuring his parents, in a letter home, that Goethe had liked it very much. The work shows the influence of Haydn, with first and second subjects derived from the same very simple thematic material. Elements of this are very properly used in a development section and then brought back again in a recapitulation. The central Adagio shows greater freedom and is followed by a classical copy-book Finale.

音樂2@@曲名:「g小調鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品105」第三樂章急板(1821年)/ -4'29"【CD-TK3】


**演奏者:Benjamin Frith/鋼琴







音樂3@@曲名:「d小調小提琴與弦樂團協奏曲」第三樂章快板(1822年)/ -3'48"【CD-TK6】




**CD編號:427 338-2




OS41823年,把弦樂團掌握得很好的孟德爾頌寫了許多弦樂交響曲,這一共十三首的弦樂交響曲作品,當年也並未納入他的作品編號,讓樂迷幾乎沒有機會聽聞。所幸九十年代一波古樂復興風潮,貝多芬的交響曲以古樂器、古樂團編制重新演出,而孟德爾頌這套弦樂交響曲也由古樂指揮Roy Goodman率領著漢諾威樂團仿古錄音發行。


音樂4-1@@曲名:「e小調第三號弦樂交響曲」第一樂章(1823年)/ -3'51"【CD-TK7】

音樂4-2@@曲名:「e小調第三號弦樂交響曲」第二樂章(1823年)/ -2'57"【CD-TK8】


**演奏者:Roy Goodman指揮漢諾威樂團


**CD編號:09026 68069-2





OS5這裡是FM97.7古典音樂台 歡迎回到【古典啟示錄】禮拜二「時空DoReMe」下半段的時間,我是OTTO我們繼續來聽8集、主題1827年18歲的孟德爾頌,這一年的3月26日正值享年57歲的貝多芬過世,此時的孟德爾頌還寫有教堂音樂Tu es Petrus為五部合唱與管絃所寫,作品111》、以及《A大調第二號弦樂四重奏作品13》。

音樂5-1@@曲名:「c小調第四號弦樂交響曲」第一樂章(1823年)/ -3'13"【CD-TK10】

音樂5-2@@曲名:「c小調第四號弦樂交響曲」第二樂章(1823年)/ -2'35"【CD-TK11】

音樂5-3@@曲名:「c小調第四號弦樂交響曲」第三樂章(1823年)/ -2'33"【CD-TK12】


**演奏者:Roy Goodman指揮漢諾威樂團


**CD編號:09026 68069-2



OS6The Prelude and Fugue in E minor was published in the album Notre Temps in Mainz in 1841. The Prelude, written in that year, makes much of its opening motif and its continuation. The Fugue, written in 1827, has all the impetus inherent in a form to which Mendelssohn had devoted some study and of which he again demonstrates complete control, evidence of the way in which he had, even as a boy, absorbed the lessons of earlier musical traditions.

@@曲名:「e小調前奏與賦格前奏曲部分1827年)/ -2'25"【CD-TK11】


**演奏者:Benjamin Frith/鋼琴





OS7With an opus number that indicates the year of posthumous publication, 1868, rather than the year of composition, 1827, Mendelssohn's Sonata in B flat major has its key and something of its tonal structure in common with Beethoven's Hammerklavier Sonata, but close comparisons here would prove particularly odious. Mendelssohn's sonata is much more smoothly classical in conception, its counterpoint in the central development of its virtually monothematic first movement owing much to Zelter's teaching. The Allegro vivace opens boldly and, like Beethoven, Mendelssohn chooses the key of G major for the derivative second subject of a movement in tripartite classical sonata-allegro form. There is a shift of key to B flat minor for the Scherzo, with its rapid arpeggios, and to E major for a gently lilting slow movement, at the end of which an Allegro molto linking section brings a change of key and mood, to lead to the final Allegro moderato, a busy movement that finds a place for a gentle reminiscence of the Scherzo.

音樂7@@曲名:「B大調鋼琴奏鳴曲作品106」第一樂章Allegro vivace1827年)/ -6'15"【CD-TK1】


**演奏者:Benjamin Frith/鋼琴






音樂8@@曲名:「B大調鋼琴奏鳴曲作品106」第三樂章Andante quasi Alegretto - Allegro molto1827年)/ -4'22"【CD-TK3】


**演奏者:Benjamin Frith/鋼琴





