2011-11-03 20:53:02Simurgh
聆聽寂靜/Listen the silence.
一旦世界開始寂靜/When the world starts to be quiet
你就開始聽見心的聲音/we are begaining to hear our mind
也是沒用的/ it is totally useless to turn on the Audio equipment loudly if it results from your fear.
必須去探求/Have to find out
那空虛的源頭是甚麼/Why feel hollow and what it want to say
如果因為忙碌而覺得沒空想清楚/if you said, I am too busy to think it through
那便會越來越忙/And then , you must be more busier and busier after you said it.
而且最後你根本不知道自己在忙甚麼/And you will forget what you are busy for in the end of life...
只是一個接一個/Just one by one..endless...
所以別躲了/So, stop hiding.
那才是唯一之路/ It's the only way to go home. I know you see it.