2003-08-26 23:11:44少爺

少爺的生活筆記002-F.U.C.K---Found Under Carnal Kno

讀高中時少爺的華僑表姊曾跟少爺提到F.U.C.K的典故源至於Found Under Carnal Knowledge,她說是一位律師跟她講的,少爺覺得很有趣.後來少爺跟一位大學生提起此事,經過一番討論,編出了一篇短文,少爺後來還把這篇文章拿去當英文作業交出去,
There was a student whose english level was so bad. He wished that his English teacher can let him pass.there fore,he requested english teacher give him two minutes to say a story in English so that it may change his English performance records.
Hello boys, yesterday, my cousin told me a story and it was funny. In seventeen century, prostitutes were pronounced guity and the deemster at that time affixed something on the document.It said "Found Under Carnal Knowledge" and its abbreviation was F.U.C.K. You may wonder now why it was added? the meaning of "F.U.C.K" was "you are ruined". Time changed, now, the abbreviation "F.U.C.K" was expounded in vulgar language.
在post此篇交換日記的同時,少爺用google查了Found Under Carnal Knowledge,結果還真的查到了.
http://urbanlegends.miningco.com/library/bl-f-word.htm .GOOGLE真厲害.