2004-03-25 14:33:00海蒂

Gay is everywhere.

Today I just found out that there should be some gays around my life.
haha~ That's really funny.

There are 2 open gays in my programs and they are not Americans.
They are cute gays!! cute faces with sence of fashion!
Typical perfect gay from my impression.
One of them even kissing his partner in front of me once.....
My heart totally stopped beating at that moment.........
I could not shout my mouth up at that second.
my first time to see gay ppl kissing in person...not from TV.
I wanted to scream at that spot... cuz why he is so adorable and he is a GAY! .....*_*......

Then I just found out there are more than 2 gay professors at my workplace.
Actually I didn't notice A professor as a gay when I saw him first time.
I just assume that he is a very friendly and nice person to me...

Then today I saw B professor talking with him...then I knew it...both of them are gays. but not couple.

Actually, B professor, to me, before noticing him as a gay, he is acting a little bit when I saw him at the first time...then I found out actually he is a graceful person = gay~ Then when two of them standing and talking together..... I just knew it! They are!

haha~ no wonder, Illinois may be the second place to permit gay marriage later. hehe~
It fits.

P.S. Steve, where are you? Show up at the student center again during 6:30~ 7:00PM, okay?!