2004-03-10 14:45:00海蒂

My dear Friend.

I have a cold but I am happy :D
Since I have a cold, I stayed home almost all day.
It's fun though, cuz I was hanging online and talked with my dear friend, Ryan.
He is the only person who I can talk over 3 hours every time and not feel tired of it.
He is the first Caucasian I met so far who knows a lot about Asian culture/history than I do.
He is the person who can answer my questions before I asked
Nice to meet you, Ryan:D
Somehow, I don't want you to get the chance to stay in Kyoto for a year. ..*_*... Cuz then we will be in different time zone and it's hard to talk with each other..............my bad...........
But how nice you are here and talking with me at least.
Still, good luck for your job application.
You will (or not :P) get it!

P.S. the pic was taken at Ryan 3 years old.