2004-03-05 18:12:00海蒂

It was awesome!

From now on, I love FOAM PARTY!!
It was great!
I can not imagin if I missed it tonight!
I was so wet at the club but everyone has soooo much fun there.
And all of us were so drunk...haha~
But I still kepp in mind one thing - never dance with strangers.
Thanks for you guys supports.
But I was and am toally no interested in dancing with you guys.
As I remembered, maybe 10 or over 10 guys- losers, I rejected.
:D I love tonight!!!
I am very drunk now, I know....
But I drove home!!!
I even drove my dearest car home with my friends.
So don't miss foam party if you happen to know one.
Have fun and enjoy your life!