2019-01-04 09:40:04fjdhxvljbfvv

【最便宜】CYBEX Scuderia Ferrari 賽百斯Eezy S Twist輕便推車 人氣產品排行榜熱門產品



今天幫大家比價的商品是CYBEX Scuderia Ferrari 賽百斯Eezy S Twist輕便推車


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Cybex Scuderia Ferrari Buggy Eezy S Twist 設計式樣: Racing Red - red · 2019

The Cybex Scuderia Ferrari Collection brings the feeling of the racetrack directly to the streets of the city. The combination of design, safety and functionality matches perfectly with the lifestyle of modern parents. The colours Racing Red and Victory Black add a dynamic and fresh touch to the child car seat while modern mesh elements emphasize its sporty look.

Being equipped with a unique, rotating seat unit the Cybex buggy Eezy S Twist helps modern parents ease everyday life with their little one. With only one hand, you can easily set the seat unit in either a forward-facing or rear-facing mode - even when being on the move.

Due to its innovative one-hand folding mechanism the convenient Eezy S Twist can be transformed quickly into a compact, free-standing unit which makes it stand out as the most space-saving version as compared to other buggies - perfect as hand luggage while travelling or while being in the car or in a restaurant. The integrated carrying handle is perfect for lifting this lightweight buggy with only one hand so that you can have your other hand free for your child.

Its slim outline as well as the small wheel base contribute to its easy manoeuvrability so that you can master even narrow passageways in shops or alleys in town. The Eezy S Twist also features a soft all-wheel suspension that ensures a smooth ride even on bumpy roads.

The 2 in 1 travel system can be combined with an infant car seat by Cybex or gb so that you can use the trendy Eezy S Twist right from birth. Being a particularly convenient buggy with a most comfortable seat unit, the Eezy S Twist provides your little one at the age of 6 months up to 4 years with a cosy spot to relax and discover the world.

The continuously adjustable backrest can be adapted perfectly to the needs of your child. No matter if s/he wants to go on an exciting discovery tour or else have a relaxing nap - the Cybex Eezy S Twist always offers a perfect sitting position. A spacious sun canopy with UV protection 50+ and additional sun shield keeps sun and wind away from your child.


  • Lightweight city buggy suitable from 6 months up to 4 years (approx. 17 kg)

  • Unique, rotating seat unit

  • One-hand folding mechanism - free-standing, compact unit

  • Compact folded size: 26 x 45 x 56 cm

  • Low weight of only 7,7 kg

  • Small wheel base featuring a width of only 45 cm

  • 2 in 1 travel system, can be combined with infant car seats by Cybex or gb

  • Soft all-wheel suspension

  • Sun canopy with UV protection and sun shield
  • 精選優惠經典商品

  • Smoothly adjustable backrest

  • Cover can be machine washed at 30°C

  • Dimensions: L 85 x W 45 x H 103 cm




CYBEX Scuderia Ferrari 賽百斯Eezy S Twist輕便推車






蘋果認證第三方USB-C轉Lightning線 將於明年二月上市

據消息來源顯示,蘋果 (AAPL-US) 開始允許第三方製造商生產蘋果的 USB-C 轉 Lightning 線,最早可能在 2019 年 2 月份在市場上開始銷售。

上週在 11 月底,蘋果向製造商成員通報了 Made for iPhone(MFi) 許可計劃,現在開始允許製造商生產用於充電和同步的 USB-C 轉 Lightning 線,成員可以開始訂購所需的 Lightning 連接器。與標準的 USB-A 轉 Lightning 線相比,新的 USB-C 轉 Lightning 電纜需要新的 Lightning 連接器,以支持 18W 的快速充電功能。

蘋果以每個 2.88 美元的價格向符合條件的硬體製造商販售新的 Lightning 連接器 C94 Lightning Connector,預計運輸時間為 6 週,意味著產品最早可能會在 2 月份上市。

參加 Made for iPhone 計劃的第三方配件製造商,如 Anker、Aukey、Belkin 和 Incipio,可望在 1 月中旬之前獲得 MFi 認證的 USB-C 轉 Lightning 線所需的零組件,並開始生產製造。一些製造商在今年早些時候被告知蘋果計劃推出第三方 USB-C 轉 Lightning 線。然而,廠商似乎尚不清楚實際上何時能夠開始進行。

蘋果是目前唯一銷售 Lightning 轉 USB-C 線的零售商,任何想為 iPhone 進行快速充電,或者希望 iPad 充電更快的使用者都需要用到蘋果的 USB-C 轉 Lightning 線。一公尺長的 USB-C 轉 Lightning 線售價為 19 美元,兩公尺長的售價為 35 美元。

第三方製造商開始販售 USB-C 轉 Lightning 線最大的優勢在於,許多產品可能將比蘋果生產的產品便宜得多,同時仍然符合 Made for iPhone 計劃中蘋果所認證的性能標準。此外,許多第三方廠商也可能推出更耐用的設計產品,例如 USB-C 轉 Lightning 編織線。

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CYBEX Scuderia Ferrari 賽百斯Eezy S Twist輕便推車人氣產品排行榜熱門產品

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