2001-09-01 01:56:36Londonfish

I am leaving

Today, it’s the last day of my student life in London
The place I have stayed for more than 6 years
Feeling very strange, and empty
Sending friends away one by one during these years
Leaving, made me stronger
Leaving, made me braver
Leaving, made me brighter

The place I walked through
So much memory and steps there
Once I step on again
The film in my mind will reshow automotially,
Reminding me, the old days

Do you also sometime miss the old days?
Maybe something left there?
Maybe someone waited there?
Maybe someday wasted there?
I think, hard to say bye.
Although saying good bye does not mean to forget it all
But, I think it is hard to say bye

I came to this European island form the other Pacific island,
Passes through so much so much here
Growing up,
Now, I am leaving
Leaving the place where there made me independent
Going bake the place where there made me dependent
Life is a round trip,
A circle, isn’t.

Maybe I will meet you there one day.

Fish’s memo.