2003-06-09 13:14:52Fishy

Nice Weekend =)

I had a nice weekend this week. :D As I always think, it doesn’t really matter what we do. What matters is just the person I’m with. I was pretty happy with the movie yesterday. It was not an excellent movie. We even sat in the neck-hurting row. Funny we had to movie our heads when different people appeared from another corner. Everything seemed so nice. Even the hot fudge sundae seemed so nice to me.

I had a weird day today. For the most part I guess it was because I was alone in your apartment for two hours and then I took a nap and then it rained. I didn’t get much bored but I did feel worried. Well, like I said, I’m sometimes a worried person and I do care about people around me. I couldn’t help thinking all the possible reasons why you didn’t come back, like you might lose your way (which is pretty impossible), you might meet Fisher and he bugged you, :P you might run on the high way and got in an accident ( which is scary!) I might “learn” this from my parents. Every time I got home late (or just not on time, not necessarily late in the night.) they would think of some scary possibilities. I used to think it’s silly to think of those scary possibilities. Now I understand that I can’t help thinking about that either, if I really care about that person.

We talked for a while before we went for dinner. I got to talk about my childhood and my grandpa and stuff. Funny. It felt nice to sit on the blue couch and talk with you.

Thank you for buying dinner for me. I liked the restaurant and the food:P except when I said something impolite about Ms. George. :P I didn’t wanna go home early (it was not early when we left though). I kind of got into the mood where I liked to talk more. You said you felt weird today and you felt as if you had this happened to you before. It’s close to my ideal relationship, with both mental and sexual communication involved. I can’t figure out why I could stay for a long time with Fisher, who could talk that little using his dumb brain. We didn’t talk about intelligent things anyways. We would just talk about things happening to us, maybe. I don’t like to remember what I’ve done with him. Not that I hate him or whatever. It’s just that I don’t know why but I was with a person, who I knew for sure was not what I wanted. Oh well! I’m glad that I’m now out of the complicated triangle and having a nice relationship. Anyways, I felt good at the restaurant. Hard to explain why I felt good or how it felt. It was just GOOD =)

It got me to think when (long time ago) you told me that my life would be pretty changeable until when I was at least 30 or 40, with ups and downs, which was probably true. I kind of got upset. I hoped I would have a stable relationship. I would say my previous relationships were not very stable or nice. I don’t mind if I have a changeable life, like not staying in one place or working in different place, I would like that. But I do mind a changeable relationship. I just can’t be like some people, who switch partners like changing clothes.

I haven’t decided when to come back to Canada in August. I wanna come back earlier, like around 5th, coz I don’t wanna be away from you for that long. Anyways I might come back around 10th. Before I have the date changed it’s now on the ticket 18th, which is too late for me. :P
I miss your goodbye kiss, sweet and wet and lasting, like the sweet soup I’m eating. :D

Yup you’re right. The sweet food makes me want more, like a sweet relationship and sweet kisses. It doesn’t hurt to have more sweet things like that, eh? Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that I want to spend more time with you. Now it’s pretty good with me. It’s gonna seem awkward if I stay with you every day. :P
Sweet Dave. :D