2013-06-15 13:47:26鄱陽湖神秘水域cchexx.com

墨爾本性博覽會 Sexpo Melbourne 2011

墨爾本性博覽會 Sexpo Melbourne 2011
語系版本: 英語發音/英文字幕 DVD版
光碟片數: 1片裝 (單面 DVD)
破解說明: MKV檔,只能用電腦播放
系統支援: Windows XP/ME/NT/2000/2003/Vista/7
軟體類型: 記錄片
更新日期: 2013.03.05
相關網址: 無
中文網站: 無
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)

SEXPO – Sexuality and Adult Lifestyle Exhibition is the worlds largest
adult show. Sexpo boasts international performers in all aspects of adult
entertainment. The aim of the exhibition is to provide a fun vibrant
atmosphere for like minded people - to enjoy and find information on ALL
Sexpo is not just about SEX, it is about sexuality and adult lifestyles.
At SEXPO you will find hundreds of exhibitors, and there is something for
everyone. If you are looking for that fun, different or even special gift
for a friend or loved one. You will find it all at SEXPO.
Our entertainment is second to none, with or international pornstars, male
and female HOT bodies, hypnotists, comedians, lingerie parades and our
SEXPO provides all their patrons with the opportunity to mix in a bit of
shopping and socialising with world class entertainment thrown in – what
better way to spend a day/night out with friends or with your partner.


生活教學方面 http://twcd08.com

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墨爾本性博覽會 Sexpo Melbourne 2011 英語發音/英文字幕 DVD版(只能電腦播放)

曹均 張琳電吉他視頻教程 電吉他基礎 吉他大師各種技術 技巧教學 中文DVD版 (只能用電腦播放)

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絕對挑戰 巔峰營銷 語發音/簡體字幕 DVD版(只能用電腦播放)

生活教學方面 http://twcd08.com