2023-07-31 08:10:35fergusonyh

Sunwing’s Cayo Largo is your t

活動咖 EventPal 路跑健身馬拉松、運動報名網、擁有全方位運動賽事、線上訓練報名與線上跑平台 全方位的賽事、活動報名與購物平台 - 第六屆 永達齊步走 公益嘉年華、2024高雄美濃山城自行車挑戰賽、暢秋萬聖路跑嘉年華-微笑路跑i運動
A row of kayaks and a catamaran lined up on the beach of a Sunwing resort in Cayo Largo, Cuba
25 kms of white-sand beaches and crystal-clear waters make Cayo Largo an unbeatable beach escape. (Photo via Sunwing)

It’s easy to get lost in life’s hectic cycle of work, chores and daily routines—which is why it’s so important to recognize when it’s time to break that cycle with a much-needed change of scenery. A weekend away can be a quick fix, sure, but it’s often little more than a band-aid.

If you’re looking for a full reset of body and mind, you need to give yourself enough time and space to completely unplug, and restore the balance you’ve been missing. To rediscover your best self: your vacation self. And there’s no better way to do that than with a beach escape to a lush tropical paradise.

Located just off Cuba’s southern coast, Cayo Largo offers visitors a welcome respite from the everyday hustle-and-bustle. Whether you’re walking the island’s white-sand beaches, marvellling at marine life on a deep-sea dive, or taking in an intimate sunset cruise, the calming coastal scenes of Cayo Largo make it a prime destination for anyone seeking low-key vibes and big-time memories.

So, if the daily grind is getting you down, here are just a few reasons it might be time to book your ticket to this stunning island paradise, available to Canadians exclusively through Sunwing.

Beautiful sights inspire balance-restoring benefits

A woman sits meditating in yoga gear while overlooking the ocean in Cayo Largo, Cuba
Cayo Largo's stunning oceanfront is the perfect backdrop for rest and relaxation. (Photo via Sunwing)

One of the best ways to instantly de-stress in Cayo Largo? Just sit back and take a look around. That’s because Cuba’s Sunshine Coast boasts everything you’d expect in an authentic beach escape: beneath year-round sunny skies lay 25 kilometres of pristine beaches, not to mention the stunning turquoise expanse of the Caribbean Sea. The idyllic natural setting is tailor-made for letting your feet sink into that silken sand on a stroll, or laying down a towel and tuning out with a good book and some sunbathing.

The tranquility of the beachfront — with iridescent waves rolling gently in the background — also provides a serene backdrop for anyone trying to re-centre themselves through mindfulness and meditation, or with a daily yoga or Pilates practice designed to bring balance to mind, body and soul.

Enjoy unbeatable underwater activities

A group enjoying an afternoon on a catamaran in Cayo Largo, Cuba
Spend an afternoon on the ocean for a fresh perspective on the island. (Photo via Sunwing)

🔥🔥2023年高美濕地海風公益路跑熱烈報名中🔥🔥 👉👉👉報名連結:https://eventpal.com.tw/gmrun.html 🌅台中高美濕地,被媒體評選為世界最美夕陽,享譽國際的超級景點。 在這繁忙的社會中,讓我們一起揮灑汗水,享受這美好的風景吧‼ 小編在這邊跟大家分享個 【跑步小常識】 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ ⚠️為何跑步時會越跑肌肉越僵硬⚠️ 喜歡長跑的人除了感受每一次的深吸慢吐之外,保持每一次手臂自然放鬆擺動的姿勢也是很重要,如果跑步姿勢不正確,像是過度地踩踏與跨步也都是不正確的姿勢喔!長期跑步下來,將可能對身體造成負面影響,久了久之會造成背部肌肉僵硬、肩頸也會感到痠痛。 在運動時盡量不要有拱肩跑步的姿勢,並且保持適當的步幅和步頻,避免過度用力的跨步動能,建議試試每分鐘約160-180步的步頻運動,減少姿勢不正確帶來的運動傷害。 手持手機也可能會導致身體平衡失調,因為持有手機的那隻手臂會不自覺舉起,或向側邊擺動,連動著單側肩膀、上背部也會緊繃起來,無意間增加身體的負擔。 小編提醒大家要記得保持正確的跑步姿勢喔!! 💥火速報名中💥 📍活動組別:6K~12K~21K 📍活動日期:2023年10月22日 ➡️手刀報名 https://eventpal.com.tw/gmrun.html ➡️高美濕地海風路跑粉專 https://www.facebook.com/GaomeiRun - 最新資訊就關注 ➤ @活動咖EventPal 加入活動咖LINE好友:ID: @eventpal ➡️Link https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40oes9401w 👇加入活動咖LINE社群👇 ➡️Link https://reurl.cc/jDV3Kn 最快最即時,精彩消息不間斷 🥰賽事資訊一手掌握,早鳥優惠不再錯過 #活動咖 #Eventpal #台中 #高美濕地 #路跑 #夕陽 #約會 #高美燈塔 Off the edges of Cayo Largo’s stunning beachfront, of course, is crystal-clear water. Sometimes a quick dip is all you need to feel refreshed and recharged, but with more than 30 dive sites spread throughout the nearby waters, there’s also plenty of sightseeing to take in underwater.

The region’s impressive conservation measures mean you can witness the unspoiled technicolor majesty of Cayo Largo coral, home to thousands of vibrant sea creatures and other assorted marine life. You can even explore ancient caves and shipwrecks, which make for unforgettable underwater scenes. (Don’t have your diver’s license? There’s no need to worry about missing out—you can still observe much of that sublime, beneath-the-sea beauty while reef snorkelling in shallower waters.)

Had your fill of underwater sights? Opt for a romantic coastline tour to get a new perspective on the island, and life. A leisurely day-cruise by catamaran will float you past stunning cliffs and beaches. Enjoy Cayo Largo’s captivating natural canvas with a sunset voyage, where the pastel hues of purple-and-orange skies pair with the remarkable turquoise glow of the water, for a sight that’s sure to stick with you long after you return home.

Find fulfillment by giving back to nature

A close up of sea turtles at Cayo Largo's sea turtle sanctuary and rescue centre
Learn the importance of conservation at Cayo Largo's kid-friendly sea turtle sanctuary. (Photo via Sunwing)

There’s plenty to take in while staying in Cayo Largo, but there’s also an opportunity for vacationers to give back to the land, thanks to the region’s famous Sea Turtle Rescue Center.

Each year, female turtles of all kinds hit the shores of Cayo Largo to lay thousands of eggs before returning to the sea. While many of their nests remain undisturbed, local conservationists often rescue the more vulnerable eggs to prevent hatchlings from getting washed too far ashore. Guided tours from the Rescue Center offer visitors a once-in-a-lifetime chance to help staff safely release these adorable baby turtles back into the wild. Then keep an eye out the next time you hit the water—there’s a chance you may even swim past one of these awe-inspiring sea creatures!

Wind down with a relaxing evening at the resort

A tree-lined pool area at Sunwing's Memories Cayo Largo resort at sunset
Cap off a perfect day with an evening that's exactly your speed. (Photo via Sunwing)

Whether you’re off adventuring or taking in some well-deserved R&R on the beach, by the end of the day you’re going to need a place to lay your head and reflect on the day’s events.

Cayo Largo’s resort and villa options cater to a wide range of vacation needs, offering everything from spacious rooms to intimate bungalows, poolside service to locally-sourced cuisine, plus imported food and supplies. It’s everything you need to get rested up and ready to enjoy another soul-soothing, balance-restoring day in Sunwing’s idyllic island paradise.

🔥🔥2023年高美濕地海風公益路跑熱烈報名中🔥🔥 👉👉👉報名連結:https://eventpal.com.tw/gmrun.html 🌅台中高美濕地,被媒體評選為世界最美夕陽,享譽國際的超級景點。 在這繁忙的社會中,讓我們一起揮灑汗水,享受這美好的風景吧‼ 小編在這邊跟大家分享個 【跑步小常識】 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ ⚠️為何跑步時會越跑肌肉越僵硬⚠️ 喜歡長跑的人除了感受每一次的深吸慢吐之外,保持每一次手臂自然放鬆擺動的姿勢也是很重要,如果跑步姿勢不正確,像是過度地踩踏與跨步也都是不正確的姿勢喔!長期跑步下來,將可能對身體造成負面影響,久了久之會造成背部肌肉僵硬、肩頸也會感到痠痛。 在運動時盡量不要有拱肩跑步的姿勢,並且保持適當的步幅和步頻,避免過度用力的跨步動能,建議試試每分鐘約160-180步的步頻運動,減少姿勢不正確帶來的運動傷害。 手持手機也可能會導致身體平衡失調,因為持有手機的那隻手臂會不自覺舉起,或向側邊擺動,連動著單側肩膀、上背部也會緊繃起來,無意間增加身體的負擔。 小編提醒大家要記得保持正確的跑步姿勢喔!! 💥火速報名中💥 📍活動組別:6K~12K~21K 📍活動日期:2023年10月22日 ➡️手刀報名 https://eventpal.com.tw/gmrun.html ➡️高美濕地海風路跑粉專 https://www.facebook.com/GaomeiRun - 最新資訊就關注 ➤ @活動咖EventPal 加入活動咖LINE好友:ID: @eventpal ➡️Link https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40oes9401w 👇加入活動咖LINE社群👇 ➡️Link https://reurl.cc/jDV3Kn 最快最即時,精彩消息不間斷 🥰賽事資訊一手掌握,早鳥優惠不再錯過 #活動咖 #Eventpal #台中 #高美濕地 #路跑 #夕陽 #約會 #高美燈塔

Everyone deserves a vacation. Visit Sunwing.ca to book your own relaxing getaway to Cayo Largo, and discover an authentic beach escape that’s far from ordinary.

來自: https://ca.style.yahoo.com/sunwing-cayo-largo-is-your-ticket-to-paradise-181547535.html




23 小時前


最近那位(些)陸配在直播的武統言論事件,在全城鬧得沸沸揚揚。 雖然移民署也對她發出驅逐令 但坦白講,台灣的法律對這種人以及對出

13 小時前


最後一張是修過圖的 不然腰圍沒那麼瘦 我很喜歡這首歌 聽起來有甜甜的感覺 女主角 Janhvi Kapoor 的媽媽是大名鼎鼎的 詩麗



因接下來要加班 就先去做保養 這次換煞車油和水箱精 里程數:229614KM

10 小時前



5 小時前