2004-04-07 16:51:00Felicity

American Idol-William Hung

William Hung is a former(昔日的)Shatin resident(居民)and a third-year civil engineering(土木工程)student in the US. Recently he became an accidental idol(機緣巧合而成為偶像)and an instant celebrity(一夜成名的名人)after he went for an audition(試鏡、試音)for American Idol (美國偶像), the hit US television show(電視節目).After butchering(殘殺)Ricky Martin's song "She bangs", he was flayed(苛評)by the judges(裁判), who told him that he could neither sing nor(兩樣都不能)dance. However, Hung retained his poise(保持泰然自若)and replied that he had already given his best(盡全力)and had no regrets(後悔)at all. These remarks(說話)stirred millions of hearts(感動數百萬人)and won him a horde of(大批)fans. And to his huge surprise, he has just been awarded(贈予)a US$25,000 recording contract(唱片合約)!