2005-11-07 18:50:00雲妮


報告: 我家陣o係M block libra溫緊thur o既GI test, 溫到好眼鲻......~_____~zzzzZZZ

o黎緊呢幾日將會極度busy, thur要test, fri要present human nature.

我之前用o左兩晚時間睇human nature o既 "Heideggerian Phenomenologic view of the Person" o既 "The Person as having a World", 結果係---都唔知佢講乜... 雖不能說是一無所得, 但所付出o既時間跟get到o既o野, 係完全唔成正比的~! d concept 唔單只"up-to-the-sky", 直頭係"down-to-the-hell"~~~@_____@"

今日lunch傾outline時, 都係唔知自己講o左d咩, 但又好神奇地打到份outline出o黎...~.~?

唉~~ 睇怕呢個present都係hea過ga la~ 畢竟大家都無心戀戰, 只能focus o係GI test上~

o黎緊如無必要, 我都唔會o係呢o度出現ga la...

有咩同我講o既, 就phone me or send sms la.

Continue with my study......=3=