2005-06-29 00:22:40雲妮


The tips are already very, extremely and ridiculously clear.

Why don't you put a little more effort on that...?

I really hate people keeping on doing that

I don't know whether it's a kind of "taking advantages"

I just hate that...!

It's easy for people to focus on own interest or urge, without considering others feeling, interest and effort.

I thought I've already shown you how much I hate that last time.

But you do that again this time...

I hope it will be the last time

I don't want you to make me dislike you because of that.

If you really wanna treat me as a "friend", care my feelings, then please stop doing so.


昨晚從你口中得知一個消息, 令我不禁發出一聲------




唉...算. 一切都係"整定"的......

謝謝你詢問我的意見,且讓我去作出選擇. 這令我感到被尊重.


當然, 這也只限於你記得有我這麼樣的一個人時...

也好, 起碼你"有事"時會記得我...


謝謝妳願意"出口相助". 妳的大恩大德, 小女子沒齒難忘~!

放心, 我不會讓傷口一直存留的, 只是我需要時間
