2004-10-28 21:25:20雲妮
(23/10/2004)One-to-ten letter word
(23/10/2004, Sat)
1) The most selfish one-letter word:
"I" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Avoid it
2)The most satisfying two-letter word:
"We" ~~~~~~~~~~~~Use it
3)The most poisonous three-letter word:
"Ego" ~~~~~~~~~~~Kill it
>>要將自我減到最低, 因自大的人會被離棄, 會變得孤單
4)The most used four-letter word:
"Love" ~~~~~~~~~~Value it
>>在這冷酷的世界裡, 人人都需要"被愛"和"去愛"
"Love conquers all"
"神愛世人, 什至將祂的獨生子賜給他們, 叫一切信祂的, 不致滅亡, 反得永生"
5)The most pleasing five-letter word:
"Smile" ~~~~~~~~~Keep it
>> "a smile goes a long way"
"A smile makes you beautiful"
6)The most spreading six-letter word:
"Rumour" ~~~~~~~~Ignore it
>> Roumous 會中傷人, 危害人.
7)The hardest working seven-letter word:
"Success" ~~~~~~~Achieve it
>>要努力才有success; "世上沒有不勞而穫"; 努力為自己建立成功, 勿只重單軌式成功.
8)The most enviable eight-letter word:
"Jealousy" ~~~~~~Distance it
9)The most powerful nine-letter word:
"Knowledge" ~~~~~Acquire it
>>"knowledge is power""
God is the source of success
10)The most essential ten-letter word:
"Confidence" ~~~~Trust it
>>為自己建立自信心, 用這信心去面對世界.
1) The most selfish one-letter word:
"I" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Avoid it
2)The most satisfying two-letter word:
"We" ~~~~~~~~~~~~Use it
3)The most poisonous three-letter word:
"Ego" ~~~~~~~~~~~Kill it
>>要將自我減到最低, 因自大的人會被離棄, 會變得孤單
4)The most used four-letter word:
"Love" ~~~~~~~~~~Value it
>>在這冷酷的世界裡, 人人都需要"被愛"和"去愛"
"Love conquers all"
"神愛世人, 什至將祂的獨生子賜給他們, 叫一切信祂的, 不致滅亡, 反得永生"
5)The most pleasing five-letter word:
"Smile" ~~~~~~~~~Keep it
>> "a smile goes a long way"
"A smile makes you beautiful"
6)The most spreading six-letter word:
"Rumour" ~~~~~~~~Ignore it
>> Roumous 會中傷人, 危害人.
7)The hardest working seven-letter word:
"Success" ~~~~~~~Achieve it
>>要努力才有success; "世上沒有不勞而穫"; 努力為自己建立成功, 勿只重單軌式成功.
8)The most enviable eight-letter word:
"Jealousy" ~~~~~~Distance it
9)The most powerful nine-letter word:
"Knowledge" ~~~~~Acquire it
>>"knowledge is power""
God is the source of success
10)The most essential ten-letter word:
"Confidence" ~~~~Trust it
>>為自己建立自信心, 用這信心去面對世界.